Just In
for Wolves That Walk Alone

1/6/2023 c44 1A.N.S.N.A
I hope when you update you include a short summery because you wrote 345,000 words, and we may forget something's by the time of your update.
1/6/2023 c44 12trialway01
Just take your time and don't stress yourself out.
1/5/2023 c44 Guest
Nice fic
1/5/2023 c44 Guest
Understood Happy New Year love both your story’s
1/5/2023 c44 AJtheGreat332
Thanks for confirming that the story isn't dead, I hope things go well for you.
1/5/2023 c44 Nercius
I appreciate the heads up. Thanks for the story up until now and I wish you luck on your new pursuits.
1/5/2023 c44 Hay seus
Happy new year and good luck with what your doing hope everything goes well for you
1/5/2023 c44 ER-47
I understand you need time to finish what important first so is ok
1/5/2023 c44 LichWight
That's alright get some time to yourself and have a happy new year.
1/5/2023 c44 s.h117
Happy New Year dude and I genuinely love this story
1/5/2023 c44 Guest
ArguableReader, I mean if it'll take as long as needed for an update. The fact that he wants to focus more on life than the stories is a commendable thing on its own.
1/5/2023 c44 ArguableReader
Hey now, I've seen SLOWER updates, from a couple of stories before yours here,
so it's not THAT bad, to be fair, as long as, it's not every six month's to, one time a year, then your fine.
1/5/2023 c44 Smash197
Take as long as you need to get things in your life in order, we will be waiting till then.
1/5/2023 c44 ZILLAFAN
Just don't get rid of it.
1/5/2023 c36 FrostyPK
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