Just In
for Wolves That Walk Alone

7/4/2019 c2 Astrefernal
Next please.
7/4/2019 c2 9Lord of Moons
Great chapter. BTW, are you planning on having other UNSC forces appear on remnant, the funny thing is, he's acting similiar to how ODSTs are deployed, since he doesn't have any support or vehicles but ODSTs hate Spartans normally.
7/4/2019 c2 Rookie059
I have to say that I quite like the way 6 acts. Honestly I was already tired of all those stories where the spartan was either very open (so much that it was out of character) or that whenever he met someone with aura he would have a very hard time saying it kindly (obviating all the training and his experience against more dangerous enemies). Stories like this are a breath of fresh air.
7/4/2019 c1 reviewer
Fun chapter, hope it updates more frequently!
7/4/2019 c2 1Gamerman22
Summer Rose is ALIVE! Now that got my attention! Follow for now. Would be nice if ya add Master Chief, but hey it’s your story. But take care of that psychopath scorpion by killing him, Noble Six.
6/3/2019 c1 21Bile Hamarr-Hofudh
This is really good. I’d love to see more. Maybe he can have him have like a Qrow role with Ozpin (if you decide to go that way with the story)
5/14/2019 c1 25The Baz
I enjoyed this and look forward to more. I just hope you don’t forget that Noble Six is a Spartan three and a part of the beta program at that. Going by this he isn’t likely any older than Sixteen years old. The spartan threes were all very young including noble squad, they may have looked like adults but that was only because of the chems and hormones they were pumped with. I’m pretty sure the oldest S3 by the end of the war was around nineteen. They were child soldiers. A lot of authors forget that and just make Noble Six like twenty something.
5/10/2019 c1 TheGreatSeeker
This first chapter has made me very interested in seeing how your story progresses.
5/9/2019 c1 Guest
Dope story dude. Please keep going!
5/8/2019 c1 sacke110
This was great.
Finally a well made RWBY and Halo crossover where the spartan actually behaves like a spartan. They don’t make friends with people in a day, they don’t trust strangers, they follow protocol, and they don’t tell random people all their secrets.
Can’t wait to see what happens next.
5/8/2019 c1 Gadget tron
If I may offer a suggestion since you don't want six to g to beacon have him be a cold ruthless vigilante that works alone in the shadows also have him meet up with summer rose,they build a relationship and hear me out be the father of ruby rose and she inherits six's Augmentation's and cold calm personlaity but no one other than summer rose know's who her real father is trust me if done right your story will be more interesting.
5/8/2019 c1 2Rogue-eL
I like this story and I also agree with you in the aspect of how fast some of the stories have there Spartans tell about everything in their life.
5/8/2019 c1 Ronmr
This first chapter was awesome, I can't wait for more.
5/8/2019 c1 Devildoge1776
Yo this story is awesome. I'm looking forward to reading more of this
5/8/2019 c1 Guest
Sounds interesting, i hope to see more soon
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