Just In
for Wolves That Walk Alone

8/28/2019 c3 Gadget Tron
That won't be the last we see of summer I have a feeling we will see her if you're intrigued about the vigilante idea here's what type of vigilante he could be,a mixture of his spartan training and Aiden pearce's hacking and elusiveness his vigilante name Shadow wolf and he could unintentionally reshape remnant in his way meaning gangs that worship him could be created (Son's of batman gang for example) and other people might help him without him knowing What do you think has your interest increased.
8/27/2019 c3 matthew116
This is good good to see s crossover in which the MC doesn’t find themselves going to beacon and dating one off- all of team RWBY ( cause that got real f***ing old ) I like the prequel elements you’ve got going on would be cool to see six do his own investigation into the grim find and kill Salem then tell Ozpin that he did his job with less incompetence ( cause Ozpin is a shi**y leader don’t know why so many fics have him wise and competent) but this should be many chapters down the road.
8/27/2019 c3 Guest
I forgot to include something in my post about the Spartan being disgusted. The main reason I posted that, is because I have yet to see a story where the Spartan does in fact become visibly disgusted by the way Hunters fight in and out of the battlefield and questions why they, and their criminals/terrorist fight like that. Fighting like you're putting on a show for people is fine in tournaments/combat school, not on the actual fucking battlefield. Whether it's Halo or Warhammer, criminals on Remnant should be caught off guard by the Spartan or Space Marine and should be very easy to take down because they would be expecting them to be incompetent soldiers in slow moving armor who don't fight with bullshit theatrics but are still capable of moving as if they aren't armored and can do some of their own acrobatic maneuvers to dodge/evade. Finally (I've asked several Rwby/Halo authors if they could do this, but to no avail), at some point in the future if it's possible that Six shows some people (RWBY, or JNPR) what Remnant looks like from space, could you have Weiss screech "What! Remnant isn't flat!?, but the math and science supports that!", if you couldn't tell, I can't stand Flat-Earthers and I'm pretty sure Remnant has Flat...Remnanters? Ok, now I'm done.
8/27/2019 c3 Guest
Hey man, I like how you described an Ursa Major as less menacing than a Brute. Brutes are unbelievably stronger than a Spartan, I saw in game once a Brute actually uppercutting a Warthog and the Hog and the Spartan went flying. I read one story where the author's Spartan had trouble holding just an Ursa Minor in place, highly unrealistic. You remember Beringels? They were described as being very powerful, savage Grimm, yet I can still picture them being weaker than a Brute. I also believe that Remnant's gravity is weaker than Earth's, probably closer to the Moon's, maybe that's one reason he could use for Hunters like Ruby jumping so high and using the recoil from their guns to go even even HIGHER.
8/27/2019 c3 Guest
Hey yeah, I'm the one that posted the thing about the Spartan being disgusted with the way Hunters fight. I posted this on that other story because both are similar but in different ways, and both are great stories. The Spartan behaves like they should, like Spartan soldiers, they don't befriend people they just met, don't join Beacon (and in some stories I read, wear another organization's uniform), don't take everything at face value (anyone from the UNSC hearing that Auras and Semblances are of the soul would call it BS, Dust as severely underwhelming in terms of velocity nevermind what Ruby said about Crescent Rose being High Impact Velocity whatever that means, and Grimm as a life form similar to but not as dangerous as Flood or Covenant and not manifestations of sin, Mechashift as wasteful and show-boaty), and finally, not as an overemotional teenage crybaby.
8/27/2019 c3 9Lord of Moons
I like where this is going, just the travels of a lost spartan trying to get home. Six did make entire militia groups dissappear after all, he knows how to deal with people, and I suspect he'd think of bandits like innies.
8/26/2019 c3 25The Baz
Couldn’t he potentially make his own gunpowder. It wouldn’t be very difficult, especially for a weapons master like a spartan. We’ve got no evidence that Remnant doesn’t have the components to produce charcoal, potassium nitrate etc.
8/26/2019 c3 Hamilton406
Nice. I like this wandering six. Please no joining beacon to be a student or instructor, or work directly under Ozpin
8/26/2019 c3 Rookie059
The story is fantastic and the character of 6 is pretty good. I really like how it is developing without falling into the tropes that at this point are so common in RWBY crossovers (such as joining beacon immediately and enduring the foolishness of ozpin along with the others). As for the romance, I think 6 was already less sociable than the typical Spartan, so I find it difficult for him to end up in such a relationship. In any case, congratulations keep it up.
8/26/2019 c3 7MidKnightMoonglow99
I’m having a bit of trouble getting a readout on Six’s character in this story. I don’t want to say that it’s all over the place, but somethings up with him. Maybe I’m just missing missing some, I don’t know...
8/26/2019 c3 Mr.wolffe
I like dis
8/26/2019 c3 spartan-140
so how's the story's going to go now? is he gonna meet EVERY character before RWBY canon starts? are you going to do a time-skip chapter?
8/25/2019 c3 the-lost-memories6
Intresting, will he meet young cinder fall in this journey or even mercury or emerald
8/25/2019 c3 1DoomKnight-6642
This is a good story so far, if you can, will you have Six do something else about his current situation and what he is going to do beyond just shooting at problems? I am in no way suggesting he goes to Ozpin or Beacon. Will we see Six begin to lose the want to protect the people of Remnant for when he sees how shallow and petty they are, or will he just continue to do it besides all their faults?
8/25/2019 c3 sacke110
I’m not really bothered by the time between the updates, you take the time you need.

Really enjoyable chapter. He helped the town with clearing some grim, and he convinced summer to go back to her family. Wish he could convince raven too.. or kill her.. either one is preferable for me.
I did not expect the two kids to be Ren and Nora, that part when he found them was so... sad but adorable.
So now he has technically helped both ruby and yang, but also ren and Nora. I wonder who he will encounter next.
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