Just In
for Wolves That Walk Alone

12/7/2023 c7 Numbet1ebaystoregmail
oz doesn't have a chance
12/7/2023 c6 Numbet1ebaystoregmail
getting a line wolf and cub vibe
12/6/2023 c5 Numbet1ebaystoregmail
nice dismantling
12/6/2023 c38 Guest
Shit, just seen the description of the Black Wolf and made me realize that it may be a Direwolf?
12/6/2023 c4 Numbet1ebaystoregmail
really rocking the lone wolf thing
12/6/2023 c3 Numbet1ebaystoregmail
glad 6 found them
12/6/2023 c2 Numbet1ebaystoregmail
glad 6 showed up
12/2/2023 c44 Guest
If you're reading this, I would love this to come back!
11/21/2023 c6 33Tellemicus Sundance
Lol, let me guess: Mando and baby Yoda reference, complete with a floating crib. I love it!
11/18/2023 c44 Raiju001
Thank you for this story! I hope you are doing well. I only recently came across this story but I have become invested in it. You write a "broken weapon" character well, and I hope to be around long enough to see how Six closes out this journey. Haters gonna hate. Eventually you learn how to let their comments roll off you like water off a duck's back.
11/17/2023 c40 Raiju001
This Yang Had it coming! If she is gonna be a collateral damage bimbo, Six needs to keep teaching her the sound of one hand clapping... "slap!"
11/17/2023 c37 Raiju001
Spoilers for this story: This happens because Yang didn't have to grow up when Summer died in canon. She is much more spoiled than she was in canon. I can see it. But you are right, I don't like This Version of Yang... still a well done story in my opinion! Thank you for it!
11/17/2023 c29 Raiju001
Oh Oz. You done goofed. You do not know what you are messing with. I am enjoying this greatly! This Ozma version seems to have fallen into obsession and Glynda cannot save him now. Thank you for the story!
11/16/2023 c18 Raiju001
Ouch. Just got the the aftermath of Callows' decision to commit suicide by wolf. I would have been so sad if Tyrian had got all 4. 3 is bad enough, but if he made a clean sweep... I would have been trying to tear my way into the story myself to help Six out. Great writIng! THANK YOU FOR THE STORY!
11/16/2023 c9 Raiju001
I have just recently come across this story, but I have to say it is very well done! Nobel 6 is spot on character wise. And the way he interacts with Remnant is definitely more believable than other interactions I have seen. I look forward to catching up! Thank you for the story!
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