Just In
for Wolves That Walk Alone

11/6/2023 c44 fantasma233e
good chapter men
10/27/2023 c44 1MercenaryGrok
Damn, I really enjoyed this, I hope you can continue this! I know little to nothing about both halo and Rwby,so this is enjoyable!
10/21/2023 c44 Octavio Constant
Continue the story please! Come on, make a new chapter. You are updating this right?
10/20/2023 c30 Azure Defiance
Please revive this.
10/17/2023 c30 6T0mT0m
I know it’s been a while since this chapter was posted along with the rest of the fic. Still, I wanted to say that yeah, that shit sucks. People are dicks but that’s just how the world is. Personally, I like this fic a lot. Is it lore accurate? Fuck no! But it’s fanfiction! Something people write for fun! Do I have my gripes with it? Yeah. But who doesn’t have gripes with anything they like? Point is, keep at it dude and don’t listen to jackasses and know-it-alls.
10/10/2023 c44 Frank180
Hey there, i wanted to ask you something, have you ever considered doing a halo/destiny 2 fanfic? (Btw, nice story)
10/8/2023 c44 ChaoticArtist3685
Very much enjoying this. I remember seeing it elsewhere and was very upset when it was gone, and have spent literal years searching for it again. It doesn’t matter how well one can write, it doesn’t matter how much people enjoy your story, as long as you enjoy it, then it’s served it’s purpose. I, personally, highly enjoy the way you write, and strive to reach (ha) this kind of writing level.

On another note, I feel like Six, if he ever did decide to wear something other than his armor, would be in a mild pickle. I understand that the suit underneath the metal can be taken off, but man’s gotta have some actual clothing, right? No, this is not me being upset, and I’m glad that people are relatively chill now, or not, idk, I don’t really pay attention to these other guys. But anyways, this is me silently chuckling at this scenario in my head.

Best of luck, m8, looking forwards to more! Sorry for the paragraphs though.
10/3/2023 c31 Guest
This is an excellent story please finish the next chapter it's already it's had been 3 months
9/30/2023 c24 Guest
Wow, seeing Cinder so broken is an unusual sight. You've done the impossible once again, man. You made me feel sorry for one of my most hated characters in the canon. I sincerely hope you plan to revisit this story soon because it's the best crossover I've read so far.
9/25/2023 c1 Guest
Please finish this story
9/19/2023 c44 Octavio Constant
When I mentioned about Ace Ops, I meant unless they died at some point in the Atlas Arc, not 'if they'. By the way how long do you make your stories? Last update is two months! Man.
9/19/2023 c44 Octavio Constant
In relation to the previous comment, please watch the Duel to get a better of what I am saying. Be inspired by the Duel video to see the battle I talked about.
9/19/2023 c44 Octavio Constant
Did the watch the Halo short film, the Duel? It is about an Arbiter on a quest of vengeance against the murderer of his wife, and he fought an army of thousands, which the Arbiter won against.

Pictured this as maybe the battle against Atlas army in the Atlas Arc finale or somewhere during the Arc.

Six stands in front of thousands of Atlas soldiers who are supported by Paladins and Knights. The Atlas Army (maybe not all of them, but most or half of their numbers) have Huntsmen ans Huntresses from Atlas Academy (this includes Team FNKI), and they have also the Ace-Op (if they died at some point in the Atlas Arc). Overlooking the battle are 3-5 Atlas Airships with Ironwood's ship in the centre. He watches his army ready to fight Six and his confidence to high peak as he thinks he can Six for being just one man. This was a challenge from Ironwood to Six or the latter to the former (what sets off the challenge could be because Ironwood threatens the settlement that Six cares and Six challenges Ironwood to a fight to the death). Six activates his two Hard Light blades and he has every arsenal he has (including the Incineration Cannon). He charges and the Atlas army charges and Six starts slashing.

There should be Bullheads to aid the ground army and maybe, later on, Six needs to take out those Ironwood's airship after the General ordered the fleet to open fire on the ground against Six at the cost of his remaining army as the General watched in horror as Six decimated his army.

In the end, Six does took Ironwood's ship and watches plummeted down the Earth with the General in it (if you want the General to survive as you stated that he needed to only be broken by Six, then Six can take the knockout General out his airship). With the Main airship down, the remaining airship flee and Six decimated the last of the army.

In the end, there are hundred if not thousands of corpses of Atlas soldiers. Six stood and watch the aftermath. One survived (huntsman or soldier) tried to run past him and shouts out "He's a Demon". Only for Six to kill him. Six threatens the General after he woke up and told him the consequences of what happens next. The General was then knockout out again, only to wake to find Six gone and he is surrounded by his decimated army. His pride broken after the ordeal as he screamed in anguish. Six finally broke the General.

1. This is perfect scenario for Six as he is like the Arbiter in the Duel. Both fought armies for God knows how long and kills hundreds. In fact, this will increase Six reputation as the most deadliest individual in Remnant. No one will come after him after his battle.
2. Atlas's reputation plummeted as a result of Six's action. The once proud and mighty kingdom greatly humbled by Six. Everyone in the other kingdoms will see Atlas as a joke now. The Frontiers in all four kingdoms can finally see Atlas got what's coming to them and see Six as some kind of inspiration that goes against tyranny. The cities will be in an even terrified uproar as the councils are horrified to see Six threat level skyrocketed and city folks are greatly fearful of Six. The academies trembled at the might of Six after he decimated an army. The remaining White Fang and criminal elements will know true fear now with Six and many would not go against him and instead rather ran away or give up their ways.
3. The Grimm would be attracted to Six actions against the army and would enter the battlefield to attack the army as fear permeates the air as Six decimated Atlas army. Salem will think about this outcome as he would both horrified of Six and glad to see Six has cost Atlas greatly with its army.
4. This battle is either seen in the news or heard in the news. Whatever choice you made will show just how Six would be considered a Demon in the eyes of the many. Don't know about the people's reactions in Six's settlement, especially who knows him (Team JNPR, Team RWBY, Ozpin's reincarnation and his former inner circle, etc)

Please take this idea to consideration and think of the epicness that comes out of it.i
9/19/2023 c44 Octavio Constant
I see you that you updated two months ago. Can you make the next chapter? Please. I want to see more chapters being made. The story is excellent!
9/10/2023 c1 Shaninikabob
Great tazer, he has a shotgun... shotguns use shells. What's so hard to understand?
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