Just In
for Slices of Life and Family

11/28 c63 24Angelwings2002
Another wonderful chapter! We saw Ford take his romantic partners on a date which was my favorite part. I really like all their dynamics. Some family drama going on, but Ammy is helping with communication, which is important. Amazing work as always!
8/19 c62 Angelwings2002
Another fun chapter. We got some new babies, a wedding and a demon transformation. There was a lot more too, but if I’d listed them all, we’d be here a while. An awesome job as always! It’s always fun to see everyone. This story had really come a long way. Also Zach and Amanda like each other, I freaking called it! Haha! Yay! Keep up the amazing work!
5/21 c60 Angelwings2002
Awwwww, communication is great to have. Even if it involves some yelling. Also I had a feeling Riley would join in the relationship rather than ‘break it’ and that ending! Wooo! I’m so happy for Mabel and Max! They deserve the happiness!
5/16 c59 Angelwings2002
Oh my goodness so much has happened here. I love it! And man, that cliffhanger was cruel, but I guess I should have seen it coming. Great work as always! Can’t wait for what’s next!
10/13/2023 c58 Angelwings2002
Another great chapter! That school honestly feels like a dream. Can I go there? I like my schools, but that place sounds nice. As always, keep up the good work!
8/23/2023 c57 Angelwings2002
Wooo! The wedding finally happened and it was definitely worth the wait! I loved it so much and for a few laughs too!
7/14/2023 c56 Angelwings2002
Wow, I went through a whole roller coaster of emotions during this chapter. Just…..whoa. This was all amazing.
5/21/2023 c55 Angelwings2002
I love how the twins planned their wedding and being so considerate to Max. I expect nothing less. This was just a fun chapter to read over all. Great work!
3/10/2023 c54 Angelwings2002
Another amazing chapter! I loved it all so much! Every part of it was amazing!
2/8/2023 c53 Angelwings2002
Loved this chapter. Mini Wanda was a surprise that I very much enjoyed! The rest of the chapter was great too! I’m looking forward to what happens next!
1/12/2023 c52 5Madeline T hatter
Lol im loving it, keep up the great work
1/11/2023 c52 24Angelwings2002
Linda is amazing and nothing will convince me otherwise! Also this was another great chapter. I’m so excited for more!
12/21/2022 c51 Angelwings2002
This was an amazing chapter! I laughed so hard and I cannot wait for what happens next!
9/26/2022 c50 6Azarath Cat
This update came at just the right time. The past few days haven't been great for me, so seeing that there was a new chapter of this lifted my spirits a bit. My favorite bit was Yun's little speech about family.
Not really about the story, but have you heard about shutting down? I've seen a couple other authors mention something about it in their notes recently.
9/25/2022 c50 24Angelwings2002
Whoa…this was a wild ride. It was so well written too! You’ve captured the emotions of all 4 boys perfectly! I just have no other words, it was just amazing.
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