Just In
for The Mantle of Remnant

4/9/2024 c31 BNGR
Awesome! please update again soon
4/8/2024 c31 Azure Sky Dance
Huh, interesting. Wonder what Chief will do now?
4/8/2024 c31 ikusatsunagi
Thx for the chapter
4/8/2024 c31 Shadow Walker of Fire
Great chapter.
4/8/2024 c31 2headreviewer mk2
Good to have a new chapter
4/8/2024 c31 AngelicWisdom
Heh.. that old dude in the tower is just going to adore this developmentā€¦
4/8/2024 c31 HerrLepan
Very good! Glad this is still going
4/8/2024 c31 2merendinoemiliano
Pretty interesting job and partially glad to see Blake inheriting the Fall Maiden Powers, usually they go to Ruby altrough I don't think that season much suits her. Best of luck with next chapters
4/8/2024 c31 Mistroz
excellent chapter.
4/8/2024 c31 Reader20448
Good ass chapter, the teamwork was glorious and I'll be damn wasn't expecting that near the end, Cannon was already out the window but now with this, it was bent over and fucked out of existence.
4/8/2024 c31 darkromdemon
Fuck yeah that what I'm talking about Cinder was no Match for a well trained group
4/8/2024 c31 4Monster King
Awesome work please continue the story
4/8/2024 c31 TOGDESTROYER
good chapter as always
4/8/2024 c31 vignesh
Pressing the button: That was easy.
Great chapter and a bold move by giving the power to Blake and not return it to Amber.
Though how will you forward the story now only Salem and her mains followers are left now.
4/7/2024 c30 Octavio Constant
Continue the story! This is getting great! No doubt Team RWBY will win against Cinder and MC kills all the Grimm. But if it's not enough for RWBY, then MC will kick Cinder's ass. Better her life ends in Chief's hands. It's been two months. Update the story.
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