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for The Mantle of Remnant

11/6/2024 c35 9Bloodhunter101
nice, my favourite Halo and rwby fanfic writer is also making a Warhammer and rwby crossover, so cool! personally i think that you should use the Raptors chapter and i am 100% not biased because i absolutely love that chapter, they're like the Spartan 2's of 40k.
11/5/2024 c35 DOOMRAIDER
The part of knowing your limits and everyone uniting under a common purpose as said in last chapter is something to consider on what Space Marine Chapter should be picked. A good example of this are the Blood Angels Chapter since they more then any other Loyalist Space Marine group descended from the 9 loyal Primarchs suffer the most and through that suffering are united because of it in regards of trying to save the Imperium and themselves from not only Chaos but the darkness lurking in their own blood. Another is the Blood Ravens or Dark Angels since they are chapters that specialize in keeping secrets (something that RWBY has many dark secrets that could bring much destruction to the kingdoms and even world) and searching for knowledge more than other Space Marine Chapters normally do. In a way the Space Marine chapter should involve one that is able to get along with and somewhat emphasize with non augmented humans since a good number of Space Marines just see regular humans as canon fodder for war or civilians as weaklings for not having the courage or dedication to fight along with being able to play the long game which will likely include politics if only to skillfully avoid being dragged down by that mess by using cunning.
11/5/2024 c35 5Hocus31
Really enjoyed this fic so far, I did expect Master Chief to actually get enrolled into Beacon and have his own team with the Arbiter, a grunt, and a UNSC Marine or Monitor, im glad it went in this direction instead.

I have a few questions,

1. Due to Weiss' main weapon being a raiper, will she be given an Energy Sword?

2. What of Chief's armour? I think he was looking for someone to fix it because his energy shields aren't working, and that was back before Yang joined I believe

3. What is the extent of Chief's ability? I know he can form things like, weapons, vehicles (It would be funny if he made a Covenant Corvette, just to teach RWBY about the Covenant) and clothing, I'm guessing he can't form humans or Aliens, Ai might be a grey area, he mentioned autopilot during the Weiss Rescue Mission, which I believe is some form of AI? Idk, buy if he could, does that mean he can make Cortana? Possibly by accident? It probably wouldn't work well, because he might not be able to give her memories, so it might look like Cortana, sound like Cortana, act like Cortana, but it won't be Cortana, honestly, sounds like a way to integrate Weapon into the fic... probably not.

4. Will Master Chief ever tell them more? Like the Human/Covenant War, Halo, The Flood, Sergeant Johnson, Keyes, Cortana, Arbiter, Reach, Gravemind, The Covenant, How he gave The Covenant back their bomb? To name a few
11/4/2024 c35 BrutusPrimus
Excellent work on this!
11/4/2024 c35 2headreviewer mk2
The lamenters need more recognition.
11/4/2024 c35 Austin
My guy first off,
I offer you my deepest condolences in regards of your loss…
I truly do mean that…I pray for you, your family, friends, and loved ones and hope you all get well soon…

But now of this chapter
You’ve definitely cooked good, and interesting to see of scenarios of Ruby and Yang now changed and grown up under Master Chief’s training are well reunited with their father…

Who is understandably concerned and upset of what his daughters got up to…
But…he should honestly be glad that they are surviving, and thriving so to speak…
Because Master Chief is the best damn protection the girls have, and a good squad leader…

I’m curious to see if we will see Taiyang will meet Master Chief aka the influence and leader of his daughters.
Whether or not there will be a fist fight then talk is a big question.

Plus another question be of well the impacts and ripples from RWBY and Chief’s actions of killing off the white fang, to of killing off cinder and her posse…
Wonder how Salem is taking that.

Also Praise The Emperor, another battle brother…
Glad to see you are enjoying the Grim dark future of the 41st Millennium and into the abyss of the lore…
Only a matter of time till you get miniatures.

And very excited for this Warhammer RWBY Xover…but what will it be about?
Like are you going to go for main characters being from the Imperium or are you going to try put the focus on other factions.
Just so as to stand out more and all that.

Plus throwing this out here as a fishing hook for a bite…

But have you thought of any other Warhammer Xover with any franchises that are perhaps underrated of the number of Xovers they have…if at all…

Like I can see you pulling off a 40k and Power rangers xover fic if you throw in an Astartes or any Imperial guard who be considered a veteran by modern earth standards be isekaied into the verse of Power rangers and learning of the many other big fish in the sea you are in…
As a lot of the ranger villain factions fall under the Imperium’s list of things to kill with extreme prejudice.
Heretics, traitors, Xenos, Daemons, mutants, Abominable intelligence aka Artificial intelligence.
So yeah.

Same for of Transformers Prime if you have example an Iron Hand chapter Astartes be the new leader of Mech on making sure Humanity has a chance of survival against Cybertronians and other races amongst the stars.

Like again untapped potential my guy,
Good luck on the next chapter and hope it comes soon.
Stay safe and healthy.
Happy early and belated holidays such as Christmas to of New Years by the time the new chapter comes out…
And again my condolences on your loss.
11/4/2024 c35 Mistroz
excellent chapter.
11/4/2024 c35 Shadow Walker of Fire
Great chapter. As for what Astartes Chapter to use, I would recommend either the Raven Guard or there successor chapter the Raptors.
11/4/2024 c35 Guest8492
Ahh; the moment I've waited so long for! Well it certainly could have been FAR worse between Tai and his daughters but considering that they were absolutely silent when they left, seems there was an impact. Need to see how Weiss will play "Big Sister" to the other three too.

As for the 40k crossover idea; for quite some time I've wanted to see one where this comes info play "The Blood Ravens do Not Bow before Destiny or Fate" be interesting if that got used in a particular place and time. Then again I'm an Old School Dawn of War fan.

Sorry for your loss, hope things get better.
11/4/2024 c35 2TheAtlesianHarvester1979
Welcome back, and I'm sorry for your loss. we're with you, may she rest in peace. So say we all.
11/4/2024 c35 Austhin H7
Raptor Chapter, they are the most modern day warfare like Space Marine Chapter of the official 40k, pragmatic and range tactics focus chapter
11/4/2024 c35 31blaiseingfire
(sees Ruby bring up Summer like that)
Holy... yeah, there's no going back from that. Even if they regret it, what's said is said and some things can't be taken back.

I would suggest the Lamenters chapter for the 40k fic. Those poor lads need some love.
11/4/2024 c35 187
Nice to see an Amazing Spider Man fan! Loved that scene! Also, I expected more drama but this is good enough.
11/4/2024 c35 JoshDaDirt
I suggest the salamanders, great mix of (relatively)friendly and honorable, tempered by some light pyromania and their charcoal black skin with red eyes that will have everyone thinking they’re Grimm
11/4/2024 c35 techdud227
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