5/19/2019 c1 YEAH
keep this up pls. this feels like a good one.
keep this up pls. this feels like a good one.
5/17/2019 c1 Guest
Good start If it's all right to offer a suggestion Can you have Chief not join Ozpin but have him be more of a ghost like have him travel around remnant,learn everything he can,Establish a base far from the kingdom's and have him be an extreme thorn to salem and her followers. And if possible have him start a relationship with Raven Branwen trust me if done right it could be interesting.
Good start If it's all right to offer a suggestion Can you have Chief not join Ozpin but have him be more of a ghost like have him travel around remnant,learn everything he can,Establish a base far from the kingdom's and have him be an extreme thorn to salem and her followers. And if possible have him start a relationship with Raven Branwen trust me if done right it could be interesting.
5/16/2019 c1 Darakyon
Interesting idea, having Chief by his lonesome on an alien planet, no UNSC in sight. If anyone can make their way out of such a situation it’s him. Looking forward to more man.
Interesting idea, having Chief by his lonesome on an alien planet, no UNSC in sight. If anyone can make their way out of such a situation it’s him. Looking forward to more man.
5/16/2019 c1 Vvb
Nice chapter, really looking forward to seeing more. Can you make Chief to create/find something that fires lead, not dust (because dust is less effective: it travels slower, doesn’t pack a punch, and aura protects from dust better than from lead bullets, since aura can control dust). Many hunters use dust based weapons, and manipulate dust in their swords, guns and so on. And if a hunter has control over dust in his weapons, he can lessen the impact and the damage of dust rounds.
Nice chapter, really looking forward to seeing more. Can you make Chief to create/find something that fires lead, not dust (because dust is less effective: it travels slower, doesn’t pack a punch, and aura protects from dust better than from lead bullets, since aura can control dust). Many hunters use dust based weapons, and manipulate dust in their swords, guns and so on. And if a hunter has control over dust in his weapons, he can lessen the impact and the damage of dust rounds.
5/16/2019 c1 WARLORDX592
This is really good I hope you continue! I really like the Idea of chief being alone and by himself without Cortana. Can't wait for the next update.
This is really good I hope you continue! I really like the Idea of chief being alone and by himself without Cortana. Can't wait for the next update.
5/16/2019 c1
4Kifo Sotri
I'm not gonna lie, I went in with very low expectations for this chapter. Imagine my surprise when I get hit with such quality writing and engaging storytelling! You've written something awesome and I can safely say that I'm eager for the next chapter.

I'm not gonna lie, I went in with very low expectations for this chapter. Imagine my surprise when I get hit with such quality writing and engaging storytelling! You've written something awesome and I can safely say that I'm eager for the next chapter.
5/16/2019 c1 Josh Kennedy
Gotta agree with the guest on this one.
Also don't make it that he will trust everyone so easily.
He's a UNSC Spartan.
He's been trained by some of the best of the best.
Gotta agree with the guest on this one.
Also don't make it that he will trust everyone so easily.
He's a UNSC Spartan.
He's been trained by some of the best of the best.
5/16/2019 c1 Guest
While I'm not a fan of Master Chief being given an Aura, if you decide to have someone unlock it, the only thing I ask is that he at first refuses is it because he has no way of knowing what it is or what it does, I also ask that it doesn't cause him to suddenly sprout animal traits from his body. I love the fact that he is fighting Grimm with brutal efficiency and not being knocked through a tree by a single Beowolf like I read in some stories. I also love that he is using motion tracker to track the Grimm around him, because in some stories the author has Grimm sneak up on Spartans when they shouldn't be able to do to do that, the Grimm are soulless not noiseless.
While I'm not a fan of Master Chief being given an Aura, if you decide to have someone unlock it, the only thing I ask is that he at first refuses is it because he has no way of knowing what it is or what it does, I also ask that it doesn't cause him to suddenly sprout animal traits from his body. I love the fact that he is fighting Grimm with brutal efficiency and not being knocked through a tree by a single Beowolf like I read in some stories. I also love that he is using motion tracker to track the Grimm around him, because in some stories the author has Grimm sneak up on Spartans when they shouldn't be able to do to do that, the Grimm are soulless not noiseless.
5/16/2019 c1
I believe that it’s a good pilot chapter, it has a good premise, and I would definitely like to see which way this story turn out.
I wish you luck with it.

I believe that it’s a good pilot chapter, it has a good premise, and I would definitely like to see which way this story turn out.
I wish you luck with it.
5/16/2019 c1
I'm not a great fan of Halo, but very interesting story overall. Liked how chief already begun to run for his Life and curious to see how he will grow. Hoping of course for a looooots of red vs Blue reference (you can't do a RWBY military story withouth cit them), keep up the good work and see you soon.

I'm not a great fan of Halo, but very interesting story overall. Liked how chief already begun to run for his Life and curious to see how he will grow. Hoping of course for a looooots of red vs Blue reference (you can't do a RWBY military story withouth cit them), keep up the good work and see you soon.