Just In
for To catch a man To keep a man

11/3/2019 c1 Gwenny2u
This is a great read! I know I have not messaged on individual chapters, but my thoughts over all are amazing. I can very much see the boys turning into the men you pictured and although I have never really seen a 2x3 Origin sorry quite like this I can see how this could easily happen. I’m not sure what happened to poor lil hee-chan, and unsure that kind of since, would be available in this day and age but I feel like this story could lead to a really good 1x2x3. I have a feeling that is how the story is goin since Chang said trowa and Herero work well together and warned duo of this. I would like the story to continue if possible. A very good ready. Only took me a day to finish and I want more!
8/16/2019 c13 Minifrench
Mmhmm, so Hee-chan has a 'special connection' to the dolls... Since he doesn't age, is he building himself a -gasp- harem ? Awww, FML, my brain is flashing me plenty of naughty Hee-chan & Duo dolls ! Well done, Firenope, well done. I also like the way you write a sweet and mature Hee-chan without altering his persona to an over-sensitive cry-baby. Have a great day !
8/10/2019 c12 Deathwraith1221
Please do not let lack of reviews influence whether or not to continue the story! I am enjoying the split/time and perspective style as it ups the engagement factor and certainly adds to figuring out each character's thought process. Do not hesitate to continue what I strongly feel is a very good story.
8/8/2019 c12 minifrench
How about a happy threesome ? screw the clichés as long as our guys are happy! If not, I'll take in Hee-chan...
8/2/2019 c11 Guest
What is the final pairing please.
8/1/2019 c11 Guest
What is the final pairing please.

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