Just In
for Return of the Alterans

8/17/2021 c1 t.i.craig
Can't wait to see what hairband next hope you can get back to it
8/5/2021 c8 WhiteEagle1985
This story is very interesting so far! I look forward to reading what happens next!
7/31/2021 c8
is this fic dead, abadoned, on hiatus, taking a lonnng time to write or have you given up writing alltogether if any of those answers is right could you put it up for adoption as you have started a great story so thank you for taking the time to share your imagination with us
7/28/2021 c8 Harry Marshall
This is a rather interesting story, different from most that I've read of this pairing; I especially like the Fuling part. Looking forward to reading what comes next! :-)
7/27/2021 c3 shadewolfedrt
Instead of You know Who he should be called You know What!
6/22/2021 c8 Guest
I really like this story, I hope you will continue with it soon!
6/18/2021 c8 cashy70
Love this story are there plans to continue.?
5/31/2021 c1 darrylpc
great story. hope for more chapters
4/11/2021 c3 1DanielHimura
So many cliches in a single chapter.
2/27/2021 c8 Eliazar
I wished you could continue to publish and update this wonderful crossover fanfiction... Please can you concentrate on this fanfic until the end...
2/8/2021 c8 Guest
Great story please write more
12/22/2020 c8 Visionless1
so far, a very interesting take on both the harry potter and stargate story lines. hopefully, you will, at some point, be introducing the primary characters of SG-1 as, say, accidental discovery or some such. looking forward to the next update.
12/11/2020 c8 rmw5763
Can't wait to read more of this great story.
11/29/2020 c8 studley24
Am enjoying this so far, but once Harry is due at Hogwarts (assuming he goes), will
Hermione come into the equation, as a friend that is?

11/13/2020 c8 3WhiteElfElder
I wonder why Nevies acts the way she does, is it to try and bring laughter...or is she just deranged?
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