Just In
for Return of the Alterans

11/13/2020 c6 3WhiteElfElder
What about healing the Longbottom parents?

Was Morgana chocking the chicken?
11/13/2020 c2 WhiteElfElder
It almost sounds like the Nyx core is similar to what the Ori use for their ships.
11/9/2020 c8 Guest
I know its been a long time since you posted but I feel I have already read this chapter
11/9/2020 c8 EP
Merci pour la lecture
Bonne continuation
11/10/2020 c8 flyboy38
I am glad to see and update. I was worried that this story like so many others was going to be left to rot.

Keep up the good work. I am interested in seeing were you will go with Harry and Hogwarts followed by the Goa'uld and the Ori.

11/10/2020 c8 anja.quickert.9
11/9/2020 c8 Undead Shinobi Pirate
more please
11/9/2020 c1 N7SPARTAN-Commander-Jay117
Shaping up to be as good as the two you mentioned, can't wait for more.
11/9/2020 c8 hkurtz2013
absolutely love this fic, just wish it wasn't so long between uploads
11/9/2020 c8 Lord Halcyon
Great to see this back, keep up the great work and I hope you update soon.

-Lord Halcyon
11/9/2020 c8 1MrBogus
YAY You updated :) YAY Thank you :)
11/9/2020 c8 45Hikari Nova
lol nice chapter :D
9/26/2020 c9 Eleonorsky
I really like the story, I hope to see more soon
9/17/2020 c9 Eliazar Chandra
Please continue this i want to see sg1 introduction into the wider galaxy
9/10/2020 c9 alexthom1
Please update this soon!
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