Just In
for Lies, Traitors and Blood Shed

6/1/2019 c1 Liz
I enjoyed reading your first chapter and looking forward to the next.
6/2/2019 c1 PuPpyPound
Great start! I love how you connected the storyline with Bret and how he happens to be with this group. He is gonna need his team for sure now.
6/2/2019 c1 Megth
Great start, something different and I like it. And it has Clay whump, so what is not to like. Looking forward to see how this will enfold.
6/2/2019 c1 47burnmedown
This is a very interesting start! I'm intrigued to see where you go with it.

Just as an aside, are you sure this story needs the M rating? That rating is generally only necessary for either very graphic violence or explicit sexual content. I'm asking because M-rated stories are hidden by default, and many readers don't even realize that. You might get more reviews and interest if you dropped the rating down to T, which I think you could safely do if the rest of the story is similar in content to the first chapter.
6/1/2019 c1 2Elise Deschat
More...don't leave Clay hanging

Interesting concept, usually taken by another SEAL team, no a CIA team...Jason probably won't be happy with him...can't wait to see how this plays out
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