Just In
for Lies, Traitors and Blood Shed

10/5/2020 c53 Guest
Wow I really feel for Jason in this chapter. Clay being under water over 10 minutes doesn’t bode well. The whumper in me hopes for some brain damage and that we see the team help him recover... :) very excited to read more. I hope we get lots of medical scenes and hurt Clay.
10/5/2020 c53 BelunaTH
oh man/ woman are making lt realy exciting here ! this time i feel like I am not being able to wait for the next chapter...shit...i need to find some other diversionary maneuvers!
thank you so much, your writing is amazing!
10/4/2020 c53 22Slytherin Studios
nicely done.
10/4/2020 c53 JeaneneP
Oh my goodness! Wow! Intense reading at it’s best! I sooo hope Clay will pull through this one! Getting a bit antsy now for something good to happen... he so deserves it! Can’t wait for the next chapter! Thanks!
10/4/2020 c53 5Elizabeth810
This is so good! I would love Clay to have some brain damage and have Jason help him trough it!
10/4/2020 c53 KazooKaren
This story is one of the best things about Sundays. I feel so bad for Jason and for Chester. Such a difficult conversation. I’m holding onto hope that you aren’t planning to take us on this long journey to have it end with Clay not waking up or being mentally diminished. I sure hope that there is a light at the end if the tunnel. In any case thanks for another great chapter.
10/3/2020 c50 47burnmedown
I continue to enjoy the cast of OCs you’ve created; they all feel very real to me, and I love how concerned and protective they are towards Clay. Of course I hope Clay chooses not to leave Bravo and move back to South Africa permanently, but I can understand why he would be considering it at this point. Looking forward to seeing what will happen next!
9/28/2020 c52 BGB
Now I am really SCARED! Please update as fast as you can. I just pray that Clay can survive this.
9/28/2020 c7 Guest
Can't wait to see what happens next, how is there another 7 days until next week. Cannot wait xxx
9/27/2020 c51 Claudia
Oh my Gosh I need to know if Clay is gonna be okay, update soon please
9/28/2020 c52 Megth
Great chapter reflecting the dynamics of the team and the role Clay plays in their lives. And also most importantly, how important Clay is to Jason. I really love Papa Bear Jason.
9/27/2020 c52 BelunaTH
great chapter! can't hardly wait for the next one! Thank you so much!
9/27/2020 c52 KazooKaren
This was an outstanding chapter!
Loved the way you went through the everyday activities of the team and built up to Jason going from having bad feelings to learning from Eric about Clay. The ending gave me chills as Jason knew he had to get to his son. Are there really seven more days until next Sunday?! Nonononononono...
9/27/2020 c52 JeaneneP
Oh no! The suspense is killing me! This chapter was great ... but I NEED to know how they got him out! Oh please let him be ok! Please write soon - really soon ... I’m begging you! Your writing is absolutely amazing, but it is also killing my nerves cheeky laugh! Can’t wait for the next chapter!
9/24/2020 c51 BgB
I have just read all 51 chapters in one marathon effort! I simply couldn't stop once I
started. it is SO good. You are a marvellous writer!

I admit that I was tied in knots reading how all that Clay had suffered has had such a profound affect on him and I just hope this story has a happy ending. It scares me that Clay might not recover well enough to continue as a Tier 1 operator, or worse, have a complete emotional breakdown. I know this is fiction, but I don't think I can handle
Bravo Team without Bravo 6.
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