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for WWTSLP?: Xenologue 1: The Two Tacticians

6/2/2019 c1 EverLastingWar
I must say, this was a rather enjoyable read! I'm no literature expert, but this was a nice, long one-shot! Into the bookmarks bar it goes!
6/2/2019 c1 gamerman246
Well, well, well... ain’t this a way for a Xenolougue to end and boy was it an enjoyable read! I really hope to see more stuff like this in the future!

Now for some ideas... a little side story of Lucina and Lyn battling it out for Morgen’s hand, and... hmm... oh! Reactions of the Askr Trio and Kiran during the summoning session of CYL 2, that’ll be a good one!
6/2/2019 c1 WEIRDELVIS
Nice story

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