Just In
for Face On the Milk Carton

10/28/2019 c23 mega700201
10/27/2019 c23 1bookwerm98
Can't wait to see where this goes. Who took Hermione? Will Molly be exposed as the jealous cow she is? Ooooooh was it Molly who took Hermione?
10/27/2019 c23 3Charlee56
Dream date?
Ohhhh boy! I cannot wait for THIS!
10/27/2019 c23 Guest
I just found your story yesterday and left a couple reviews, but I have to say it again your story is amazing I love how you skim along cannon but has made it completely different
10/26/2019 c6 Guest
I really like the path you are taking with this story, it’s very different
10/26/2019 c3 Guest
I am in love with your story and can’t wait to read more chapters, I love how Sirius set Harry straight
10/26/2019 c23 renowned-warrior
It might be a short chapter but it was sweet and adorable.
I'm looking forward for the next chapter and wondering how the girls will get their revenge.
Also Christmas dates... Oh how I miss being a teenager in love.
10/26/2019 c23 pgoodrichboggs
Great chapter!
10/25/2019 c23 Calimocho
Thanks for the awesome chapter!
10/25/2019 c23 5Blue Luver5000
Great chapter
10/25/2019 c23 Green Eyed Lana Lee
Loved it!

Happy Writing!
10/25/2019 c23 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
Really fun
10/25/2019 c2 1twibe
Why is she called the eze baby if she's a malfoy?
10/25/2019 c6 Hortensia
Lovely story, looking forward to reading more.
10/25/2019 c23 3Karatekid-Ninja
Brilliant chapter as always. Felt like a teaser chapter though! I can’t wait for more xx
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