Just In
for Face On the Milk Carton

9/16/2019 c17 2Shorty653
Lol heavy metal and Eminem make me draw better. But I think Ginny and Ronald need punched.
9/16/2019 c17 ReaderRabid2
Thank you for the update! I’m glad Hermione isn’t alone this time around. Fifth year was awful with Umbridge but with her new network of family and friends, it will be much better here!
9/13/2019 c16 37FlowerChild23
Ginny and Ron are crazy.
9/13/2019 c16 3Karatekid-Ninja
Great chapter can’t wait for more xx
9/12/2019 c16 Green Eyed Lana Lee
I think the Weasley's are becoming a serious problem! I hope Harry and Hermione learn more about Ginny's real motives and attitudes soon!

Happy Writing!
9/12/2019 c13 Guest
where is luna? i rather like luna for a friend and maybe partner of harry. she is brave, inventive and fun.
9/12/2019 c16 Venetiangrl92
Love this story! So can't wait for the next chapter! Xoxo
9/12/2019 c14 Fast Frank
The plot thickens. Very enjoyable chapter.
9/12/2019 c16 mega700201
9/12/2019 c16 Royan Granger-Nott
Hi and thank you so much for this totally awesome idea of a story. Just read all 16 chapters in one go and am soooo looking forward to the next upload. You are simply brilliant, thank you again
9/12/2019 c8 Guest
Mm, what happened with the information about Barty Jr? Crouch Sr. was the ministry oficial in the tournament after all; Lucius should do something about it for azkaban scape.
9/12/2019 c16 xXMizz Alec VolturiXx
Great chapter
9/12/2019 c1 Guest
this Harry is OOC , he was mad with ron because he was a jeolous moron before the dragon, and then accept him back b/c his low steem and afraid of being alone, same with hermione. tho i like viktor support.
9/11/2019 c16 Banshee Black
"I was addressing Miss Malfoy. You two hooligans barely count as one adult when combined."
Go Augusta !
"Please, Sirius is far more likely to offer pointers than be upset."
Which would back up Augusta's sentiment.
Ginny is a menace who needs to be dealt with. The sooner the better.
9/11/2019 c16 1bale626
I don’t usually post reviews, but I feel the need here, just for a simple request from a humble reader. I would respectfully ask that you not pair Harry with Ginny. Especially when there is a literal “buffet” of gals in the Potter-verse he could be paired with. Obviously, you as the author could ignore me entirely. But I just thought I’d throw this out there, especially as I’m thoroughly enjoying the story thus far.
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