Just In
for When the Nightmare Began

8/22/2021 c1 6tarrangar
Uther is most certainly evil, he's basically a less powerful Hitler targeting magic, you don't have to believe you're evil to be evil, you just have to do horrible things out of wrong beliefs.
1/11/2020 c1 Guest
I agree.
12/17/2019 c1 gaylelbf
8/3/2019 c1 18KillgarraghForever
Nice rant.
6/21/2019 c2 48Aaronna
Thank you! I and all of this fandom needed this.
6/6/2019 c2 mersan123
Thanks. I enjoyed the story - and your rambles.
I always wondered what would have happened had Merlin ignored the dragon and helped his friend. Guess we will only ever know in Fanfic.

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