Just In
for Undertow

8/16/2019 c1 3Vulcan Rider
This was so great. I can actually see this conversation going on between Lula and Stephanie. I can see their expressions and I'm curious to know what all else is going on, and why Steph was feeling the way she was. This would be a great lead-in to a new story.

BTW, I absolutely LOVE The Little Recruit, and hope you will consider giving us more. So glad to see you back. We missed you.
Maggie M.
7/28/2019 c1 Donna

a current of water below the surface and moving in a different direction from any surface current.
"I was swept away by the undertow"
an implicit quality, emotion, or influence underlying the superficial aspects of something and leaving a particular impression.
"there's a dark undertow of loss that links the novel with earlier works"

Imagine my confusion when it turned out to be a new fangled term for coffee from a particular coffee house. Why does Steph need a distraction and why isn't she sleeping at night?
This is a good start. It needs, no Wants, more. Please, feed the story! Caffeine and cake are a great start.
6/19/2019 c1 4HermioneIncarnate
I love this. Could def be a scene in a bigger story. You do a good job with the funny side of the characters.
6/12/2019 c1 baileygirl12
Welcome back! Hope you'll finish The Little Recruit.
6/10/2019 c1 JB
Thanks for the funny read this morning. Hope you are gettint back in the saddle with your muse. JB.
6/9/2019 c1 Guest
6/11/2019 c1 1jules3677
Had no clue what an undertow was either! Though I didn’t think it was Lula’s meaning, no matter what. Hopefully the muse is kickstarted now. :)
6/9/2019 c1 Guest
lol. i didn't know what an undertow was either. lol
6/11/2019 c1 lucylovestammi3
6/10/2019 c1 GarbanzoBeans
Hmm could this be a little taste of more to come? Could be a start of something interesting.
6/10/2019 c1 Daffybduck! Funny!
6/10/2019 c1 77Manchester's Stubborn Pansy
at first I had no idea what you were even talking about but then I got the drift.

Thanks for the smiles this morning.

I think the story will be fun.

6/10/2019 c1 Buddy'sBabe
Good one.
6/9/2019 c1 shellbell78
Great job! Hopefully it helps you get your muse back.
6/9/2019 c1 2trhodes9
Sounds like my mornings!
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