Just In
for Harry Potter and the Magical Guardian

6/11/2019 c1 Fast Frank
Well, a bit of compulsion and confunding child services is not surprising from Mister "It's for the Greater Good". Probably happened in canon too, although JKR never explicitly stated it.
6/11/2019 c6 10I aM inSAnE-ly smexy
please continue I love this story so far it's absolutely amazing.
6/11/2019 c6 I aM inSAnE-ly smexy
please continue I love this story so far it's absolutely amazing.
6/11/2019 c6 2Harry Thomas Riddle
This story has been good so far. However, your Harry seemed to be a drama queen regardless of the holly wand.
6/11/2019 c2 Harry Thomas Riddle
"He was short, and thin"

Oh please...
6/10/2019 c2 Millie072
Petunia & Vernon are turning out to be decent parents considering the difficulties they mush have had adjusting to accidental magic. Najash saving Petunia's life thru Harry makes it a lot easier for Vernon to accept magic. Seeing the glow surrounding Dudley & his mother sure made magic seem more acceptable. Gotta love that little snake.
6/10/2019 c1 Millie072
Unusual start. Vernon disapproving of Dumbledore for leaving Harry out on the step not suitably prepared for the weather. Interesting that Petunia never cut all her contacts with the wizarding world, even those not necessarily associated with Lily.
6/10/2019 c4 Varisha01
I want more... *grabby hands*
6/10/2019 c3 Brightstone Keep
The Harmony is almost painfully cute.
6/10/2019 c3 Pennieyoung
Great story, thank you for the update :)
6/10/2019 c3 8EnchantedPixie495
Absolutely love where this is going! Harry and Hermione are so cute together! Cannot wait to read more!
6/10/2019 c3 luna
LOL Hermione meeting with the Drusleys and Harry was great.
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