Just In
for Harry Potter and the Magical Guardian

8/11/2024 c2 mcclureveronica61
This is a third timeroughlyreading this story. And I still don't know why you didn't have Petunia seek out Wiccan shops to refresh her potion ingredients once she discovered she was unable to access Diagon Alley.?
8/6/2024 c10 13Freddie Rindklip
Chapter 10 Snape is actually reasonable. Before that he was the Snape we knew and "loved" from canon.
6/30/2024 c16 Pepperonyfan1982
if you're referring to ice cream it's SundAE not AY
6/27/2024 c23 Freddie Rindklip
Rita does a hatchet job on the family, and they reward her. That is something I cannot get over. My loss.
6/26/2024 c16 Freddie Rindklip
Dumbledore finally meeting Ms. Acacia. Should be interesting. A sh*tshow, but interesting.
6/25/2024 c7 Freddie Rindklip
Ron as a snake. Been done before, but this is a fresh look at the whole Harry with Dursleys.
6/14/2024 c43 19Priya Ashok
Excellent story.
6/5/2024 c39 3desireejones99
It is his attitude, and one of those that cost so many lives
5/27/2024 c11 noylj
He left a baby on a doorstep at midnight in November and set baby Harry up to be abused and stole from Harry. Yeah, I can see him being good, NOT
5/27/2024 c9 noylj
Keep curtains closed
5/27/2024 c7 noylj
MoRon and Dicko should have a great time together.
How will Snivellous react to a Molly howler?
Hope Harry, Herms, and Duds can studt wandless magic
5/27/2024 c4 noylj
Cockroaches don't plot your abuse and death.
5/10/2024 c43 Herald Snow
I wanted to say your story is great and I'm looking forward to more
4/20/2024 c9 Guest
I hate Tina Polkiss, so annoying
3/20/2024 c15 MRGwrites
more people should just name their stories Hermione Granger and...
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