Just In
for Quirkless Warfare

1/4 c17 Max Goyeneche Fernandez
this story is great a masterpiece
5/16/2024 c17 aublack21
I found this because it has max Payne in it but he hasn’t appeared since chapter 3 more max please!
10/6/2023 c17 1WhiteLotus21
love your story, I hope it gets updated soon
11/15/2022 c1 11sburlisonmoffatt
Just reread this story! Totally love this story. Love all the ways you weave all these different characters. Love the Q Compound reference.

Big Boss is great and I love that Hudson is around. Hope to see what happens next. If you're still writing this story. Keep up the good work!
6/19/2022 c17 sburlisonmoffatt
More! This is great! Love all the crossover characters! You made it all flow and I love it!
11/3/2021 c17 BrianShooter672
Love your Work and looking forward for more in the future. BTW, Will Russell Adler along with other Black Ops Cold War appear in Future Chapter along with Ghost Recon like Mitchell, Kozak and Nomad?
2/17/2021 c17 joshheintz1996
I'm loving this. I really enjoy the cross fandom characters, and look forward to any more that would be added.
Was thinking jormungand and/or black lagoon for the future would be a fun addition.
2/9/2021 c17 Dio
This a awesome story
1/12/2021 c17 liger86
The Shawarma joint is so Avenger style. So what the Title of the twins foto in the paper? Quirkless Young Soldier Twins Beat Mysterious and Legendary PMC in a Night Gunfight
9/17/2020 c2 7SilverExcel115
You should have them get a little offended when someone calls them mercenaries. Contractors and mercenaries are similar, but unlike mercenaries, contractors still are obligated to abide by the laws of the host nations, and they are tied to a legitimate company and usually also have their loyalties with their base country.
2/26/2020 c1 2ProjectIceman
Wow. This FF is a banger lol XD. Immediately followed and favorited
1/8/2020 c3 2Evergone the Great
First of all, in chapter one, putting a pair of 8 year olds in a war zone?
That was pretty sick, man.

In this chapter, where their doing military work at 14.

Japan's child labor laws state that one can't participate in employment until age 15. Especially not military employment.

And where are the sprinkles of comedy that we expect from the MHA franchise?

Sorry, this story just isn't for me. I hope you understand.
7/17/2019 c3 14netapel
in chapter 1 you wrote that Inko was born in 2315
in this chapter you wrote that Max was born in 2209
at the start of the chapter its written that the date is 2256.
you need to get your years and time straight.
7/13/2019 c5 Banfan
I like how I was represented through Iida calling Izu and Ikki friends, because he didn't know them, but his new friends clearly did and wanted to start off with a good first impression.
7/13/2019 c1 5Jack Redhawke
Why do you use present tense for dialogue and past tense for narration, stick with one tense don’t switch back and forth
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