Just In
for White Noise

8/14 c1 2Pa Trizia 88
Can't wait for this to be published so that I can buy it officially and thank you some more for an extraordinarily great read!
Luv to you and all your brilliant words!
8/4 c1 Guest
It would be nice if you'd finish This Is Where it Ends.
8/5 c1 live.small.joys
8/5 c1 felicitie
I remenber I was so into your story ! I love everything about it, it was so great !
Thank you for sharing it with us here.
I hope you will be successfull. Maybe one day, you will be able to publish it and share it with everyone.
8/4 c1 lillianolivia.white
I have the PDF of this story in my Kindle . I just finished rereading it. I love it so much. Thank you for writing it.
8/4 c1 joyosix
All the best. Please post here when you publish. It is such a great story! Xo
8/4 c1 haylee21
this story was so freaking good...ugh...its was my go to reread... tha k you for this story
8/4 c1 NeeNee246
This is one of my all time favorites. Thank you for all the years of sharing it with us! ;)
4/29 c33 6supremeloser
I love this story im crying so much omg !
4/3 c33 rachelke86
Thank you for this great story! Mostly I find mob stories all the same and I get bored after a couple of chapters. Not this story, it has an different storyline and I loved it!
2/14 c19 EdwardsVampTramp
Wow! I'm reading this on actual Valentine's Day! Many years later!
2/10 c13 EdwardsVampTramp
So...obviously Masen knows Bella's father. And why do I think her mother may have been murdered?
2/10 c10 EdwardsVampTramp
2/10 c9 EdwardsVampTramp
'This isn't the neighbourhood to leave a car like this alone in."

He gives me a look. "The car's insured," he exhales. "You ain't. I'll come with you."'

I'm seriously in love with this Masen!
2/10 c6 EdwardsVampTramp
'You see trouble now?" I question looking up and down the pier.

"Yeah," he says seriously, making me startle. He's looking at me with dark solemn eyes. "Standing five five and wearing my hoodie."'

Bwahahaha! I adored that! Love a playful Masen! *swoon*

I don't know why it's taken me this long to read this! But glad I made it to the party.
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