Just In
for Human (Rewrite V2) NEW REWRITE POSTED ON 01-02-24

9/28/2019 c2 Drithligh
9/23/2019 c13 Vale Herondale
Me encanta este fic! Me gusta mucho esta versión con una hermana de Bella, aunque tengo una pregunta, a pesar de que Addie fue mordida y es una vampiro que puede regresar a ser humana, ¿no cambió su aspecto físico? Según SM en sus libros, todos los vampiros son extremadamente hermosos como una forma de atraer a la presa y toda la cosa, incluso Bella cuando se transformó cambió su apariencia para hacerla más hermosa, entonces mi duda es, aunque Addie pueda volver a ser humana, ¿no es más hermosa, más pálida o algo así? ¿O eso es solo cuando es vampira? ¿O sigue igual? Me entró esa duda después del primer o segundo capitulo, cuando vuelve a su casa y ni Bella ni Charlie notan algo diferente en ella, entonces agradecería mucho si pudieras aclararme esa duda :)
Pd. Me gusta mucho tu historia, espero que pronto actualices otro capítulo, no puedo esperar a ver la reacción de Edward y los demás de la familia Cullen cuando vean que ella también es un vampiro :)
9/22/2019 c13 Chaos
I would really love to read more. I love how she reveals herself and want to see how the others take it
9/4/2019 c13 daisy2daizy
OMG YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HANGING LIKE THAT. I mean you can, you wrote it, but like pretty please spare me (love your story)
9/1/2019 c13 GraceEllingson
Oh my goodness! The ending to this chapter had me literally laughing out loud! I absolutely adore this story and I am so glad that I found it today! It is rare to find a good EdwardxOC story, and even more rare something with such a unique twist! I sincerely can't wait to see what you have in store for us in the next chapters! I'll anxiously be awaiting whatever is next!
8/29/2019 c13 Guest
Love it!
8/27/2019 c13 3scarlet rose white
Oh man i love this soooo much and i can't wait for more xD
8/24/2019 c13 Chaos
I'm really enjoying the story and I love how you revealed her secret only after she knew she was safe, I would do the same. Please hurry with the next update.
8/22/2019 c13 Idek1998
The suspense of the Cullens finding out she is a vampire. One that can be human. Is killing meeee! Love it though!
8/22/2019 c13 2Poppy-Robins089
This is an amazing story can’t wait for the next chapter ! X
8/21/2019 c13 Jet
A very unique and a very fun concept you got going on in here. Please keep writing. I can’t wait for the next update.
8/21/2019 c13 Guest
Wow. This story is really great, can’t wait to see what will happen next! I haven’t come across a story quite like this before and I’m really enjoying it. I know you said it was hard to write, but it was really good, and that ending! What a cliff hanger. ;)
8/21/2019 c13 1LunaM303
about time women but think before you talk
8/21/2019 c13 4Dark-n-Twisty
AHHHHHHHHH! Best/worse cliffhanger ever! Jesus, I was so ready to get to the end of this and have them finally know she's one of them. Please update soon. Addison really is starting to come into her own. I'm eager to see how the rest of the family receives her and just how fascinated they will be by her gift and if there are other aspects to it.
8/21/2019 c13 xLaBellaVita
AHHHHH the TRU is about to come out! Can't wait for next chapter!
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