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for Hello From the Other Side

7/1/2019 c1 1Seventhfloor
Oh yes, more please.
Great start to the story and lots of angst, as promised, and questions to answer. Fingers crossed that this is a babe and not a sneaky cupcake or tart.
Goodluck with the renovations.
7/1/2019 c1 shoegirl01
Ohhh very intriguing!
7/1/2019 c1 Vicki Snyder1
Oh no! I already have tears and this is way to early in the story! Did she just delete Ranger’s number? NOOOOO!
7/1/2019 c1 1jules3677
You’ve got my attention. Trying to remember who went with traditional names.

Glad to have you back, hope the renos go smoothly.
7/1/2019 c1 rangstep
I hope this is Rangers child and along the journey they meet up again. Cant wait for the next chapter.
7/1/2019 c1 Buddy'sBabe
Oh no, pleaseeeeeeee continue this
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