Just In
for Ascension

7/27 c1 6jaimehuizar2005
its been a bloody year dont listen to hatter and update this please
7/7 c2 Guest
Alakazam don't have tails.
6/1 c44 Guest
What the hell is this BS plot with Delia and Cyrus?
5/27 c44 Guest
Legend was infinitesimally better than whatever this is.
5/26 c1 Sammy Prowle
I really enjoyed this Fic, and I hope it continues.
5/19 c44 The Silver Espeon
I don't get why everyone is dogging on this story, it has a good plot, great anticipation, andthe most important thing many stories here seem to lack: proper grammar! I do think that the pacing is pretty good, but the progression is very... erratic. The world you have built here is very complicated, not that that is a bad thing, but it all gets muddy in some areas. The deviation from the tradional eight badge progression is fine, but the pace you have set will be hard to keep up with I think. All these huge events happening before Red even leaves Pewter City, unless he decides to deviate from his plan of being a trainer and become a researcher, or some other path that lets him have an excuse to take place in more excitng events like what has happened so far, the story is going to seem very dull or slow after the whole Mewtwo debacle is done with. Unless you plan to end the story with Mewtwo killing everyone. There are some characters that seem thrown in for no real reason than shock factor or some other reason, some examples being Cyrus who is Petrel who is also Red's father, or Ghetsis being the leader of the Wataru clan before Lance. There are some problems with the story, yes. That being said, its still a great storg that I sincerely hope that you continue, I really have enjoyed it o far and I'm sure many others have too. I don't know if this review is good at getting my thoughts across, this is my first time writing a really big review like this, I usually just say "I like the story!" and that's it lol.
3/30 c44 Guest
i genuinely have no idea how you guys write a fic like monochrome, a great fuckin fanfic, and somehow simultaneously write THIS heaping pile of dogshit? This is one of the worst pokemon fanfics i've ever read. This shit is worse than all 50 dozen betrayed ash fanfics put together lmao. Why is this thing listed as a humor/adventure story when it's more drama filled than the average daytime soap opera. Like fuck, it's gotta be the cringiest fucking story i've read in a long fucking time. delete this garbage
3/30 c1 Guest
this fucking sucked. Not interesting, infuriating. Literally every adult character in this chapter was infuriating. Red's dumb as fuck too, but the adults he has in his life have to be heavily mentally challenged. im convinced that this story is fuckin going nowhere fast. delete this dogshit and quit advertising your dog ass discord, faggot
3/1 c19 M1stymix
This fic should've had drama as tag there's to much drama from nearly getting killed by pikachu attempted murder from ritchie Misty loosing her starter like wtf this is not the fic I wanted to read tbh
1/19 c13 1FireFox2590
This story is labeled as humor... This is depressing more than humorous. It was a little funny at times but you need to reclassify this as something else I think because it is NOT funny enough to qualify I don't think, not when it is so much more dramatic and depressing... I was not prepared for this at all and now I am just in a really shitty mood ~;
12/17/2023 c44 Guest
One of the best Pokémon fanfics I’ve laid eyes on from characters to world building.
12/14/2023 c21 Baki342
I’ve been loving the fanfic so far but I kinda just skipped through the Kirlia mind stuff. Was more of a hassle to read for me sorry.
12/4/2023 c44 Olof1
When is the next bloody update? Its been more 4 months now
11/4/2023 c44 Guest
There’s been something that’s been bugging me about this story, but I wasn’t able to narrow down what it was until this chapter. It feels like you jumped the gun when it comes to plot structure. This current arc that you have put Red through, it feels like something he should be encountering around badge 7-8. Have him encounter the people attending this party on his way through Kanto. As for Cynthia, have her meeting with Red be similar to Alain’s first meeting Ash. While most of the chapters are great, I feel it would be cool to have Cynthia exploring her own character arc to finalizing what she wants to do. While it may be a priority of hers to become a Pokémon researcher, keeping her battling skills sharp doesn’t hurt her chances of researching in hostile environments.
10/26/2023 c44 zenongcortez
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