Just In
for A Friend in Need

9/28 c24 Caren47
I reread this story every year. Always enjoy it!
12/30/2023 c25 16alate
Loved it! Thank you so much for sharing :)
12/30/2023 c19 alate
Go Helen! I love when she isn’t awful and realizes what makes her happy isn’t right for Steph :)
12/30/2023 c17 alate
Now we just need Ranger to come back :) hopefully she doesn’t attract more trouble before then!
12/29/2023 c10 alate
Loving Ranger’s new and improved stance. Joe deserved what he got.
12/29/2023 c9 alate
Figures the second rescue mission couldn’t go as smoothly
12/29/2023 c3 alate
Well that’s a twist I wasn’t expecting!
12/29/2023 c1 alate
Good start! But what is the problem in Miami?!
12/17/2023 c1 19CatsmeowG8
I want you to know how much i enjoy this story. Its a fave and one that I frequently re-read . Thank you!
11/16/2023 c25 Diane Williams
Awwww! This entire story was wonderful! I truly enjoyed every moment reading this! Kudos
10/29/2023 c25 an00626
loved this story. loved this Helen Loved this Frank thank you
10/29/2023 c20 an00626
thank you so much Mary Lou! finally somebody says something about isn't that what you're doing with Joe. love it love it love it
10/3/2023 c19 30Mumofpicklegirls
Love this version of Helen
9/28/2023 c25 sbabe
This is an awesome story.
8/5/2023 c10 Fuzz79
Ranger’s explanation of what Steph means to him is one of ny fanfic faves. This is excellent! Thank you so much. Love rereading this storu
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