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for No Goddesses Need Apply

1/25 c1 Vinay-kox01
I came across your work "No Goddesses Need Apply" and love the depth and diversity of the characters and world I believe it would make a fantastic comic and I’d love to help bring it to life

I’m an experienced commission artist specializing in adapting stories into comics If you're interested we can discuss the details, pricing and payment methods in a straightforward and professional manner

Discord: graphic_gold
Twitter: VKox139175
Instagram: vinaykox1

Looking forward to hearing from you!
1/22 c60 2DanKerNight
Kazuma esta tentando mucho su suerte
1/19 c60 Guest
I have reread this story 4 times since my initial read one after the other. It is so good! I love this story so much! I can so clearly visualize each scene with each character. The personalities are also so in character and it all just makes so much sense! I am really hoping during the heist or something that Kazuma's and Darkness's feelings can be brought to light or that something happens to just give them some inkling of being closer. Also and this is me just going full on fanfic girlie mode and very out of character, but Kazuma just crashing out and then both he and Darkness reveal their feelings for each other or at least one reveals their feelings for the other.

Just being like: [Context: Darkness and Kazuma are having a fight]

"I can't believe you got us into this! You could have just told your dad the truth and we would be scotfree and I could be on a date with Chris right now. But you just had to drag me down with you! And to swear an oath to Eris to marry the winner of the duel! Why!?"

Darkness was slightly hurt at the notion that Kazuma solely cared about being on a date with Chris more than being engaged to her. But she could understand his anger somewhat as it was forced upon him. Still... she had to at least let him see her reasoning, now more than ever.

"It was you who started it Kazuma! You wanted to offload me to Walter the moment you heard him say we could never date again should he have won the duel!".

"YES! I thought that was we agreed on! You said only 6 months and then that was it! Marriage was not a part of that deal! You perverted crusader! YOU MAY GET OFF BY ME BERATING YOU BUT THAT IS ONE SIDED! I WANT A SWEET AND NORMAL GIRL! ONE WHO DOESN'T FALL TO HER KNEES THE MOMENT SHE HEARS SHE WILL GET HER LIMBS RIPPED OFF!" Kazuma screamed as she grabbed Darkness by her shoulders and shook her violently.

"A-Ah~ T... That's not tr..." Darkness blushed, her breathing growing heavy as she bit her lip.

"That is what I am talking about! You may have a perfect body Darkness. But you just turn me off with the perverted freakiness! I can't deal with any of that! I just want to be with someone who understands me! Someone who is normal and actually understands some common sense" Kazuma could only grab hold of Darkness's shoulder more firmly and look into her eyes with a level of seriousness Darkness had not seen since facing the Minotaur.

"Darkness. Why? Just why? I don't understand! Why did you make this all the more difficult? I thought you wanted to escape the courtships and the arranged marriages? Why did you use me rather than just telling your father you didn't want any of that? You could have easily told him and he would gladly have done so. So please I have to know... Why?" Darkness could see that Kazuma was looking for an answer. One she and he both knew. His eyes so desperately searching hers to see if they could spell it out for him.

"Because... I... I... l... lo..." Darkness bit her lip and looked away, her body feeling a new form of embarrassment. Her hands shaking as she could no longer keep her gaze on Kazuma's and instead focused on the ground. She just couldn't bring herself to do it.

Kazuma closed his eyes and let out a frustrated and tired sigh. He rubbed his forehead and tried to calm his breathing, he was hoping for a bit of closure, any at all just to help make his next decision easier.

"We are not going through with the wedding."

"Wha-? Kazuma! You can't do that! The nobles! The Princess! ERIS! All will bring dire consequences! You will be harrassed by every young noble man looking to defend my honor! Not to mention Eris's will curse you for breaking our union! You may even lose your incredible luck. W-why? Why are you doing this? We just need to get married and then afterwards we can file for divorce and pretend all of this never happened. We can keep adventuring!" Darkness sounded desperate. Her voice shaky and her words just spilling out as she tried to get Kazuma to see reason.

Kazuma, however, made up his mind.

"It doesn't matter. Even if we went through it all. We would be back to square one. Your father will keep pushing a new marriage onto you and we would have wasted all that time married together for nothing. Even Eris's curse can't be avoided. She blessed our union, our relationship. We would be cursed no matter time we broke up and I just... I just can't do it." Kazuma had no turned to face Darkness. His face hidden from her view as she felt despair growing in her heart. She tried to grab Kazuma's shoulder but he just slapped it away.

"Kazuma please. We can somehow make this work. We can be... we could be... a real..."

Kazuma started walking away. His eyes covered by his hair as he moved forward, his walk slow and defeated. Darkness realizing that she was losing him slowly.

"KAZUMA PLEASE WAIT! PLEASE! Please. Please just... Please. I am sorry I got us in this mess. I am sorry it got this far. I am sorry... I am sorry I... I... I am sorry I am not the girl you want me to be. Please.. Please just don't go. Please Kazuma. Please."
Darkness could no longer hold it as the dam broke and tears started to flow out. She fell to her knees in front of him and grabbed his knees. Her body shaking with fear, she just didn't know what to do anymore. She was so afraid of losing Kazuma.

"Darkness. I..." Kazuma said in muted surprise as he bent down to hold Darkness, which Darkness jumped at the chance of and held her face at the crook of Kazuma's neck.

"Please. Don't leave." Kazuma sighed and rubbed her back. He was never good with anything related to girls much less emotionally vulnerable girls. He could only follow his heart and hope he was doing the right thing.

"Kazuma, I... I... I love you". It was almost like a soft cooing of a dove to Kazuma as the world stood still with the only exception being a certain perverted crusader, her nervous shakiness now magnified tenfold as she started to whimper and hide herself away further into his shoulder and neck. His aroma making her feel safe even now.

"Darkness, I... I love you too" Darkness paused. Her body just now barely trembling, her breathing still as she pulled herself from Kazuma's neck and stared at his green eyes.

"What?" Kazuma gulped.

"I said I love you t-" Darkness crashed her lips into Kazuma's and pushed him to the ground. Her eyes once again flooding with tears but these were now tears of joy as she held firm in his embrace. The time seeming to flow by as they finally seperate for a breath of fresh air to refill their lungs.

[They start dating. Fluffyness ensues. Yadda yadda. HARDCORE AND I MEAN THE HARDEST CORE OF SEX AND BDSM HAPPENS! Then they have hundreds of babiessss! They defeat the Demon Lord and Happily ever after! Did I mention them having lots of babies? CUZ THEY HAVE LOTS OF BABIESSS! AND HAVE A HAPPY FAMILY!]

Also yeah I understand my fanfic was shit. I am just so in love with this fanfic that I just keep imagining scenarios for Kazuma and Darkness. I want it to happen so fucking badly. I will keep re reading this until the next update and the one after that until this fanfic is complete! KEEP UP THE AMAZING WORK!
1/19 c1 kisanagi444
Love it sooooooo muchhhhh ! Thank youuuuu
1/13 c60 Guest
please update soon
1/5 c59 Larro44-LL
Just binge read this story and every scenario keep flipping what I think is going to happen on its head lmao. Hope Kazuma come to terms and accept his wedding, especially with Eris blessing it
12/30/2024 c60 13Gamera68
Merry Christmas and may all of your horses come in first place!
12/29/2024 c60 2LoveGlutton
“Fucking Kazuma” strikes again!

That was hilarious!
12/28/2024 c60 1Sum9
I have nothing to contribute. Thanks for the laughs. Have a review count.
12/28/2024 c59 Sum9
Hahahahahahahhahaha of course he would involve her! XD
12/28/2024 c58 Sum9
I love this story
12/28/2024 c60 simm36
Muy bueno y feliz Navidad.
12/27/2024 c60 Kaykaykaykayan
Merry christmas matey, thanks for writing this amazing story
12/27/2024 c54 Kaykaykaykayan
You're the goat OMG LOOOOOL
12/26/2024 c60 Marvelesque1Der
Ah Christmas and never change.
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