Just In
for The Whispering Woods

3/11 c50 Guest
Please update
1/30 c50 sassy973
Please please update soon.
6/24/2023 c50 Fleur50
Au plaisir de lire le prochain épisode.
5/24/2023 c49 Kanny1
So excited to see you'd updated worth waiting for but a cliffhanger nooooo
5/21/2023 c50 1EdwardsFirstKiss
Oh no! Not the real Edward!
5/21/2023 c49 EdwardsFirstKiss
Just glad they are both going to be ok. I hope the other driver was Mrs. Newton.

Just a suggestion...I know life is busy, and I can totally appreciate that. But, if your updates are really far in between, could you give us a summary at the beginning of the chapter of maybe the previous 2 chapters to refresh our memories?
5/13/2023 c50 valentinesgenie
I can't wait to see what happens next another great chapter until next time take care.
5/10/2023 c50 Mistydeb
Oh my, these two just can’t catch a break. Something definitely doesn’t want them to tie their bond to each other. Hopefully they will come out the other side and recover. Debbie
5/1/2023 c50 tff000
hope things are better
4/30/2023 c50 EdwardsVampTramp
Thank you so much for this. I never give up on writers or stories. I always have hope. And I have faith that things will look up for you soon. :)

I am concerned for Edward and Bella. It feels as though something "other" has infiltrated and the fact that they didn't complete the bond yet leaves them in a weakened state.

Can't wait for more!
4/30/2023 c50 mysticfighter111
Thank you for the new chapter although it is scary.
4/29/2023 c50 Alicia Janae Alexander
This was a great book to read so far I can’t wait for you to update it
4/29/2023 c50 Cina's
So glad to see the update. I thought maybe they could seal the deal in their dreams, but not if he is turning into a monster.
4/29/2023 c50 Adriu
Gracias por seguir con la historia, aunque sigo sin entender jaja.
Tendré que leer todo otra vez para ponerme al corriente.
Ojalá no muera Edward.
Saludos de mi lindo Ecuador
4/29/2023 c50 MsLiss
Thank you so much
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