Just In
for The Whispering Woods

4/28/2023 c50 ShamelesslyObsessed
Welcome back!
4/28/2023 c50 trisha63
Woo Hoo, so glad to read a new chapter update in this fascinating story! RL always takes precedence so don't worry about how and when you will be able to update as I love this story and will gladly wait until you finish it. I wonder if Bella and Edward are in a dream or a trapped in a past memory? Take care, Trisha :}
4/28/2023 c50 BB Masen-Cullen
Eek. Can't wait till the next chapter!
4/28/2023 c50 2That'sMzPeachesTYVM
These two…they just can’t catch a break!
Who hit them…and WHY?

I hope life starts to get a little bit less rocky for you. I know it’s been a long and arduous past few years, hon. Much love, and prayers for peaceful times.
4/27/2023 c50 helenemc
Happy to see you updated this story. I wish you the best.
4/27/2023 c50 thmmais
Cool! Thanks for the update, please keep going
4/27/2023 c50 Rita01tx
So happy to see the update in my inbox! Dream or another plane, Edward and Bella are in deep trouble...or is he/it even Edward!?
4/27/2023 c50 cocoa blizzard
4/27/2023 c50 Moltz
Have they entered a realm of the underworld in the after life?
Edward must be bleeding out. Was a defibrillator used to shock him back to life? This expressing as flames in Edward's eyes? But then the claws don't make sense.
The other thought is a demon has used Edward's connection to Bella to control her while she is between both worlds.
4/27/2023 c50 americannight99
so happy to have a chapter I'm glad you're back. but a cliffhanger really ?
4/27/2023 c50 cctwilight
It's crazy that they don't know what is real or not.
4/27/2023 c50 Reinbeau
Glad to see an update. Hate to say, I had given up.
4/27/2023 c50 AuntieErins
Oh my! You are so good at this! I love your words!
4/27/2023 c50 SassYNoleS

So needing more ...! Update when you can, RL first ;)

4/27/2023 c50 Luvntwilight
Thanks so much for updating.
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