Just In
for Fated Meetings

7/13/2019 c3 26MonkHerrick
Awesome chapter! Can't wait for Gilgamesh and Virgil to be reunited. I think he should survive so can continue being with Gilgamesh.
7/13/2019 c3 kataraina
Goblet of fire could interfere causing his "resurrection" so to speak. He could include gilgamesh by accident.
7/13/2019 c3 deathwearsblack
thank you for update.
7/6/2019 c2 deathwearsblack
thank you for update.
7/5/2019 c1 Patrice666
...I somewhat want to see Endiku as a Lovegood...
Great story so far! :)
7/3/2019 c1 kuroko05050
wow I love and I'm excited about your story please igue publishing followed
7/3/2019 c1 kydomos
How about if luna and enkidu are twins luna has some green highlights in her hair?
7/3/2019 c1 3greenespeon1995
Love The idea and endiku being reborn Luna sibling is Great!
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