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for Harry Potter and The Blood-Soaked Succession

1/11 c26 1TheLoneDoctorVII
Oh this has been bloody brilliant so far. Easily one of my favorites now. I look forward to your next chapter and will search for your audio books
12/30/2024 c26 4BROMBROS
I look forward to listening to the actual author read this story. You brought the characters to life both in pen now in voice. The prologue of this story comes up first while searching your penname here on youtube.
11/9/2024 c1 forbiddenreader05
came over from yt video of this story recognised your user you have some genuinely amazing works
10/27/2024 c25 7Mando-Vet
Outstanding story
10/27/2024 c1 Mando-Vet
Holy crap... That's one helluva opening chapter!
2/10/2024 c25 Guest
Are you on reddit by any chance?
12/12/2023 c25 Phazer12
ohhh, good one a unempathetic Nicholas flamel who has no qualms in following orders...
11/26/2023 c6 Dicordum
Well, Transacension sounds like a fun thing for Harry to specialize in, he already looks like a mummy, might as well go full Eldritch Horror on this bitch
11/26/2023 c25 3grovepjp
11/26/2023 c25 3Hudy Leak613
Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciate it and liked it a lot.
11/23/2023 c24 7Weegee1
Excellent chapter
11/23/2023 c24 3grovepjp
11/19/2023 c23 grovepjp
11/18/2023 c23 Guest
Please just leave this site and delete your stories.
11/17/2023 c23 7Weegee1
Welcome back
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