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for Harry Potter and The Blood-Soaked Succession

1/21/2022 c11 bigwoof
Interesting story.. Thanks!
12/20/2021 c11 Hitmen101
. Anyways Thanks for the chapter. :D :) Though I have a question of why Dudley hasn’t told Harry about his visions.
12/17/2021 c11 ALLHEAVEN2
This really is as good as I remembered. Keep going mate, can't wait for the next chapter.
12/17/2021 c10 ALLHEAVEN2
hell yeah
12/16/2021 c11 Bloody Bard
This fanfic is glorious I can't wait for the next chapter
12/14/2021 c11 ThingsCanBeTwoThings
Is Jessica Roberts and the snitch turning into a Ginny/Tom situation? Because if so, that's fascinating. Also kind of screwed up, but fascinating. Is there any history on her character? I quickly went to check old chapters and all I saw was a reference to her and her younger brother.
10/29/2021 c10 ThingsCanBeTwoThings
Jesus, the ending there was dark. Is it the act of making the horcrux that changed him, or is it the experience of losing Ron and Hermione? War hardened him, sure, but that was particularly vindictive.
10/24/2021 c10 2Thundramon
I don't agree with your story on a lot of points but it's quite entertaining and that matters more than being acceptable to my head canon. An enjoyable chapter in an awesome story, the bit about Kingsleys voice was amusing and Fleurs Aura having an effect equivalent to a dementor on non-magicals is intriguing. Perhaps it is unique to Dudley, as she made Dudley feel inadequacy with her supernatural beauty which given his somewhat spoilt upbringing might bring forth memories similar to what the Dementor made him feel?
9/5/2021 c9 Jet
So is Harry still the current master of the Elder wand in this universe?
8/25/2021 c9 Guest
Your proposition assumes all magicals are equal and the most knowledgeable are the most powerful, if this was true hermione would be untouchable and Ravenclaw would be know for producing the most powerful people.
Ultimately no amount of training is enough to be able to battle Voldemort or dimnledore. Either one has the power or they do not.
6/27/2021 c1 KEB
Well written, thanks!
2/10/2021 c10 alexmason809
Aw man.

Well, I'm casting my vote for Blood-Soaked Succession.
2/9/2021 c1 Pteaset
I like it
12/13/2020 c1 FloweroftheHarlequin
spectacular! please keep going!
10/15/2020 c8 rchez
this is AMAZING! i love the personalities of all the characters so much, especially Peter and Regulus, who tend to be made out to one extreme or the other in the fandom. They're all intelligent, capable people, who were known for that, so I love how you fully utilized that. I like the idea of Peter having an inner talent for necromancy - that would explain GoF - and also the reasoning for staying at the Weasleys of all places. I also loveee the meta that's going on here, with the amorality of the Flamels to the actual use of the deluminator, because I truly think that Dumbledore had thought about his plans, and it could obviously be because he was aware of Ron's insecurities or something along these lines, which I think you did wonderfully.
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