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for Harry Potter and The Blood-Soaked Succession

11/4/2023 c22 Phazer12
So your back here? I agree with ff net issues. Have not been getting alerts for the last 15 days. It says to whitelist the email id but there no such option that it has been blocked.
10/30/2023 c23 Eggle
I've never heard of the site you mentioned; I'll have to check it out and see if it's any good. I like AO3 quite a bit but the layout is very unfamiliar and it's nowhere near as good for reading on a phone.

On a related note, I've stopped receiving email alerts for stories at all, as of about about a month ago. I have had to settle for continually refreshing the 'Following stories' list ordered by most recently updated...
Considering this is a for-profit site that primarily serves text I can't say I'm impressed with FF's stability of late. I completely understand why you'd consider switching.
10/29/2023 c23 war-gerbil777
Thank you for letting us know that you are leaving FF. Totally understand your reasoning. It must suck to not get any updates or notifications about your stories.

I'll make sure to find you on Questionable Questing!
10/29/2023 c23 1Pushi19
You write fanfic at website call Wattpad
10/29/2023 c23 keht.jelicho
sorry that the site has gotten so bad on the Author's side (as a reader and really only using the App, the PMs bit is the only part that seems to effect me) that said, I've enjoyed your stories enough to create a QQ account to keep following (despite loathing forums in general) and have followed/watched several of your threads there already to keep reading.
as far as this site, the App has gained new functionality over time as I have used it, so when I hear from authors about their issues I can only guess that the app is getting more work done on it than the site, but when something on the site breaks the app won't work.. I think? I am not too savvy on website/app coding.
I am just sad that with how much I enjoy the app from a reader's perspective the backend/author's side is just as if not more so a UNenjoyable mess for the creators. If the staff are focused on making the reader experience better at the expense of a good experience for the content creators then all their work for readers will fail when there isn't new content because all the authors leave.
10/29/2023 c23 1Neoacoya1
Questionable Questing is a good one. It has the best community engagement.

WebNovel has the best analytics and the engagement is pretty good too since people can comment directly on paragraphs.

AO3 has the best filtering system so it may help direct your target audience to your story.

SpaceBattles and Sufficient Velocity are okay too, but I haven't really noticed anything special about them.
10/29/2023 c23 4BROMBROS
Wow I can't even post a review to this story. I loved guess I will have to follow the story to that website
10/29/2023 c23 BROMBROS
I loved this story.
10/29/2023 c23 3Hudy Leak613
adult fanfiction . com. Please write the next chapter already. Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot.
10/28/2023 c22 pschlegs62
Great story, I love your combat sequences! Can't wait for the next chapter.
10/27/2023 c22 Ellie.Cast4
So much action! You do a phenomenal job with all of the dialogue.
I have played catchup from Ch. 17 and I am floored.
I love most his declaration to McGonagall, Senstra, and Poppy. You can clearly see that bleed through in his chat with Arthur as well. That’s the moat heartbreaking part of cannon, isn’t it? All the inaction from adults.
I’m totally looking forward to what Hermione does to Bella, that brain of hers is a weapon.
I’m so loving V’s perspective of things. It was surprisingly welcome to read, lol.
Excited to see what Harry’s power strategy looks like at Hogwarts (after dealing with the diadem first I suppose).
Thanks for the update!
10/27/2023 c20 Ellie.Cast4
And then the fussing began.
Love it.
10/26/2023 c22 Hudy Leak613
Thank you very much. I really appreciated it and liked it a lot. Please write the next chapter already,
10/24/2023 c21 2Ofunu
I think you meant "mitigate" instead of "mediate" in the last line.
10/16/2023 c20 MattBlack
Umm the three men? Lily is not a man lol... Also, same sentence you missed a spelling error in appeared, I can't type the error since then my phone accepts it as a valid word lol.
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