Just In
for Warrior of the Sea

5/18/2024 c9 isseaiheiyoto1234
i love the story please don't abandon it and keep posting .
1/9/2024 c9 Guest
I'm not a beta reader, but the AO3 site must have amazing beta readers if you want to post there

I hope to read more chapters, it recently occurred to me what an SI!Usopp would be like and your fic was the first one I read, and I hope to see more of it out there
1/9/2024 c2 Guest
This is so funny and sweet
3/4/2022 c9 Cyberbeasttitan
I am curious to know what future crew members you had planned out... oh well, maybe one day you'll continue this story.
3/9/2021 c3 3jiubantai-taicho
Ok just so you know learning Soru takes a LOT of hard work and grueling training even for those that do it for years so 3 9 year olds getting it down in a few months starting from no training at all. That is just not happening
2/5/2021 c4 Buggy
There's a severe difference between Garp throwing Luffy into a forest, and Usopp throwing kids to blood-thirsty pirates.
You ignore that Garp is a specialized teacher, he has YEARS of experience in combat/survival and haki. He knows what's too much for Luffy, and can literally rescue him so long as he is on the island.
Usopp is weak, and he can't protect all of the kids. He has little to no experience in combat/survival, and he doesn't have haki.
For Usopp it's a gamble, for Garp it's a legitimate method of training.
Ignoring this, is ignoring the established facts of the series.
You should put more thought into what you're writing.
2/5/2021 c3 Buggy
You haven't put much thought into how hard it is to get power in the OP world, also the plot isn't creative.
12/1/2020 c8 KayEmWhy
I do like that this Usopp is more of a Trickster than a Cowardly Lion. I do kinda want to see his lies and manipulations backfire on him at some point and he has to work to repair the damage. You already seem to be setting up instances of that happening, so I'm eager to see how the future plays out. His morality isn't really a problem for me because, hello, PIRATE~! Not to mention he has fairly defined lines of "this is not okay". But it seems he might run into some trouble concerning his trustworthiness with the crew, which has potential to be interesting. Thanks for writing, it's been a couple months but I hope you pick this back up again!
11/30/2020 c9 MDM11
Please update I love the story so far and trust in your writing skills
7/18/2020 c5 JFalcon-TM
Nothing out of the ordinary, really. There's no point in doing fanfiction if you're not gonna shake things up. Nice chappy
7/10/2020 c9 sonnalear
I want to help what can Ido
6/28/2020 c9 1Mary D. Black2000
I think it is a bad idea to give him a devil fruit but whatever \_(ツ)_/, it's mostly a personal opinion. I just really like this story but I prefer when people get the skills themselves over years of hard work instead of just getting powers from an object. Then again it would take time for him to master his power and I am curious as to what it would be.

So while I do not particularly like the idea of Usupp becoming a devil fruit user, your story is very well written and interesting and I cant wait for the next chapter.
6/27/2020 c1 1LeBomb
wish he started his own crew...
6/25/2020 c9 DevineAurora
Nice work author keep going!
6/25/2020 c9 5Soledge1
you were doing well with the last chapter.
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