Just In
for Once Upon Another Time

12/9/2020 c25 12ghostwritten2
Oh, what a lovely chapter! Just perfect. I'm so glad that they are together. I will miss this fic, but I look forward to the epilogue.
12/8/2020 c25 Violetbutterflyphantom
Yay! They’re finally together again!
12/8/2020 c25 Phantomgirl24
Oh my heart breaks that this is the last long chapter. Looking forward to epilogue. I love Erik and Christine and have laughed and cried with them. Great story. Please write another soon.
12/8/2020 c25 82Starwatcher2018
Yeah and whew! What a journey for the happy couple and you. So happy for everyone. Great last chapter.
10/27/2020 c24 Pip and CO
nooooo it can't be the end ! I love it so much, please tell me you wrote more ? *puppy eyes*
8/25/2020 c24 12ghostwritten2
I am so glad that Christine was finally able to cry and that Erik forgave his mother. And how lovely that he set up the date and that she showed up. I hope he proposes!
8/24/2020 c24 Kristen
Oh my goodness! I'm crying so much for this story! I love it so much. Thank you for sharing this.
8/24/2020 c24 Guest
This was a great chapter-ch.24. It was full of love, forgiveness, and faith. Erik and Christine need to grow from the past but leave it behind so they can go forward. Love the supporting characters but really like the chaplain Jeremy and his Christian faith. Cant wait to read the next beautiful chapter as they talk and continue on.
8/22/2020 c23 MaFerviolon
please continue
8/14/2020 c23 ghostwritten2
I'm so sorry to hear that things have been hard for you. I hope they get better soon.

Thank you so much for updating. I am glad that Jeremy and Nadir were able to help Erik, and I hope he can be reunited with Christine soon. They have been through so much. And thank you for this story.
8/13/2020 c23 Guest
I was tearing up as I read this. This was a great chapter. Erik needed to give forgiveness so he could move forward free. I hope Christine comes around and they can put all this behind them. I just love this story. Please update soon.
8/13/2020 c23 Badpixie06
They have all really been through the wringer and could definitely do with some light at the end of the tunnel. Hopefully Erik is finally making his peace and now maybe Christine can too.
Hope your difficult times are behind you now. x
8/13/2020 c23 50Maze-zen
This is so painful! They all deserve and need a reprieve!
Hope you're doing okay!
7/2/2020 c22 chimchanga55
Thank you so much for this story I hope you continue writing
6/19/2020 c22 12ghostwritten2
Oh my gosh, what a cliffie. I was so happy that Erik and Christine's performance went well, and then Kevin had to show up, being awful as usual. I am anxious to see how you resolve this. Really exciting chapter.
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