Just In
for Once Upon Another Time

6/18/2020 c22 MaFerviolon
please go on
6/18/2020 c22 50Maze-zen

That damn Kevin better get behind bars after this! Where he will hopefully be treated horribly by the other inmates!

Poor Erik and Christine. Everything was going so perfectly *cries*
6/17/2020 c22 Guest
*frustrated scream* cliffhanger! Love it! ️
6/17/2020 c22 Guest
So glad Erik's concert went great with Christine. It was like magic with them and their love was so obvious. Of course that evil Kevin had to ruin the later part of the evening. So glad Christine found that burst of fight in her to try and save herself and Erik. I hope they can help her to come back from the dark area her mind and spirit have retreated to because of Kevin's actions. I just hate that she pulled away from Erik right after the fall with Kevin as Erik tried to help her. Please update soon! I just love this story and cant wait for next chapter. So good!
6/17/2020 c22 Badpixie06
Uuggghh Kevin! Everything was going so well until he turned up!
Pleased that Erik has finally told Christine he loves her but a shame she didn’t get to say it back.
Poor Christine is going to take some time to recover from this episode. Hopefully Erik, nadir and her friends will be enough to support her through.
5/22/2020 c21 12ghostwritten2
Oh, poor Christine! She is so brave to want to sing anyway. I'm glad Erik is there for her. And she was there for him, too, after he told her about his past. Loved the church scene on Christmas Eve; that was really beautiful. And I hope Erik and Christine do get to exchange I love yous in the future. Lovely chapter.
5/20/2020 c21 50Maze-zen
Initial thought and I truly apologize for this: Erik must have the bluest balls by now.

I know this is heading towards a climax of epic proportions and I'm so worried. Kevin is going to ruin everything, I just know it, but at the same time I feel like you won't let that happen? I desperately hope so.
I'm glad they've shared all of their demons, even Erik's tragic past. Now they just have to admit they love each other which really should be the easy part, right? Right? Apparently not, those cowards. Hahah!

I can't wait for the next chapter, but I will try and be patient.
5/20/2020 c21 Guest
You are a talented author. Thank you for sharing about Jesus through your story with Christine and Erik when he walked back in the church and talked with Christine.
5/20/2020 c21 Guest
This was a beautiful chapter. Love the way you described their Christmas at home and the church service. Erik had never had any peace in his life and the church service gave him peace. Love the way Christine explained the Bible verse "Jesus wept." She helped Erik understand what his goosebumps and feelings were. This was a great explanation of what Christmas really is and it was beautiful how you shared it through Christine and Erik. Just really loved this chapter. Also, glad he was honest with her about the scars. Oh, I hope Kevin will leave them alone. Great job and cant wait for update!
5/13/2020 c20 12ghostwritten2
I love Erik and Christine's developing relationship, even though there are still things in their pasts preventing them from becoming closer. But oh no, Kevin! This can't be good.

Great chapter!
5/12/2020 c20 MaFerviolon
please continue
5/11/2020 c20 Guest
Sooooooooo good! Cliffhanger!
5/11/2020 c20 50Maze-zen
Oh, how sweet a development between them. But it's really sad that they still can't take the last step into the physical aspect of their relationship, despite both of them wanting to. Too much is holding them back and I think especially Erik has something to tell about his childhood before they can get there.

It's worrying about Christine struggling with the piece for his symphony. I don't doubt that Erik knows what he's doing, but do they have the time? So much was wasted in the time they were apart.
And now Kevin's back! Please, don't let him ruin anything!
5/11/2020 c20 Badpixie06
Aaagghh just when I thought things were going so well!
5/10/2020 c20 Guest
This story is so good. Poor christine and erik. They love each other so much, but they have some obstacles that keep getting in the way. And just when erik has his doctoral concert ready to go, that evil sludge Kevin wants to get even with poor christine. Please update soon! I surely hope christine and erik will be ok! Was so excited to see update!
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