Just In
for Once Upon Another Time

4/23/2020 c15 ValkyrieHicks
The song. This chapter. It's perfect. I love it! Amazing! ️
4/5/2020 c19 12ghostwritten2
Hooray, you updated! Lovely chapter. I especially liked Erik asking Nadir's permission to court Christine. So sweet and formal.
4/5/2020 c19 Guest
*sobing* I love this story SO MUCH!
4/5/2020 c19 50Maze-zen
Aw, such a lovely chapter!
I kind of feel bad for Erik with all the surprises people are throwing at him. For someone who feels uncertain around new people, it really is a lot for him to take him.

I'm glad he didn't disappoint Christine though. She deserves the absolute best.

Those kisses were so sexy! Loved it!
4/4/2020 c19 82Starwatcher2018
Happy you were able to work on your story again.
4/4/2020 c19 Guest
Ch. 19 was worth the wait. Love that christine and erik are growing closer. Just hope he can open up more to her soon. This is a great story. Really like nadir. Hopefully erik will become more comfortable around people.
3/31/2020 c18 Guest
This is so beautiful
3/6/2020 c1 Guest
Please, please, please update soon!This is a great, great story and can't wait to read more about Christine and Erik.
2/19/2020 c18 174HC247
Okay, so I FINALLY went back and read Chapter 17 & 18 back to back in one sitting and I am WRECKED.

I love the friendship Christine and Meg have, I love that Erik and Christine are neighbors and neither knows it. I love the "oh sh**" reaction of Raoul and Meg when they find out the jig on their secret matchmaking plan is up. I love Raoul's reaction to Erik's tantrum.

The song melted my heart and you took care of my urge to squish their faces together while screaming "NOW KISS" at the top of my lungs with the final scene and it was so soft and sweet and perfect.

Yeah, I think that about covers it...

Great job!
2/7/2020 c18 kwat0
I’m so sorry I haven’t reviewed in a while, but I honestly love this fic so much! This last chapter was so SATISFYING, in so many ways, I’m so happy. I love how real all your characters feel, and how they’re reacting to the trauma they’re facing throughout. I’m constantly blown away chapter after chapter and when I see an update I do high pitched excited eeeeps! every time XD you write angst so well!
2/7/2020 c18 12ghostwritten2
Oh! This chapter was so good! The unmasking and the kiss, Erik carrying Christine, that confession at the end. I'm so glad they finally talked.
2/6/2020 c18 50Maze-zen
Yay! This was everything I wanted and more! It's typical that Christine had to be the one to address the elephant in the room, but at least Erik finally decided to man up! He even took off his mask. And the kiss!

This was worth all the pain, at least to me. Maybe Christine needs a little more convincing. Hahah.
2/5/2020 c18 Badpixie06
Yes finally, good for them. Maybe now Erik will forgive Meg and Raoul. Nice chapter.
2/5/2020 c1 Guest
Thanks for the update! Oh this chapter was worth waiting for. They finally see each other and are talking. Now Erik needs to give it a chance. I see Carlotta never changes no matter what story she's in. Still has that squawking voice. Great job including some "supporting" characters from the book and movie like Piangi. But seriously, this is an awesome story. Love Raoul and Meg.
2/5/2020 c18 Guest
Happy tears! The truth is out!
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