Just In
for Solitude and Music

5/27/2020 c11 Guest
I loved the chapter, and the ending made me giggle
5/25/2020 c11 3Terrence Rogue
I enjoyed the new chapter and look forward to seeing how Thorfinn handles Hermione being taken. It’s a wonderful and unusual pairing that you have done an amazing job with. I can’t wait for more!
5/24/2020 c11 stars-for-dreams
Welcome back! It's so nice to hear from you again! This chapter is so cute
5/24/2020 c11 Adharablack85-2
love this
5/24/2020 c11 jennifer.thelyne
they're so cute
5/24/2020 c11 rabradley09
That was adorable
4/23/2020 c10 Guest
please update im fucking dying of antisapation
3/26/2020 c10 Guest
You go gonna update mate? I love the the story
3/6/2020 c10 Guest
Please update love this!
12/17/2019 c1 Guest
Great chapter mate are you going to update on Christmas Boxing Day or New Year’s Day?
12/15/2019 c10 CelticGhost
*sigh* I adored this chapter, particularly the end. Thank you.
12/13/2019 c10 reptilegirl
Awww I love this story so much
12/13/2019 c10 nashtah
Thanks for the great update of the ball and I am looking forward to more of your thorfinn
12/13/2019 c10 Guest
Fantastic chapter, I like how sweet and uncomfortable Thorfinn is
12/12/2019 c10 Guest
I find myself hoping that with Thorfinn involved, Ron will actually have to own up to his mistakes and apologize for once. He never learns to stop being a prick because no one ever holds him accountable when he fucks up, so he continues to do so and the cycle continues. I mean, the half-assed “apology” he gave Harry in canon wasn’t actually an apology because he never actually said he was sorry or that he was wrong. And I do t think he EVER apologized to Hermione for the Yule Ball. So I hope Thorfinn is vindictive enough and protective enough to give him a talking to and even threaten him into not being an ass.
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