9/28/2019 c7 tank03
I was expecting fireworks, jealousy, and melodrama. You gave us calm, sincere, and an almost-mundane reconnection, and I think it was brilliant. Mike and El aren't about the drama. They just simply love each other and that's that- no need for the fireworks. You really nailed this- bravo! Thanks for sharing, it was a joy to read!
I was expecting fireworks, jealousy, and melodrama. You gave us calm, sincere, and an almost-mundane reconnection, and I think it was brilliant. Mike and El aren't about the drama. They just simply love each other and that's that- no need for the fireworks. You really nailed this- bravo! Thanks for sharing, it was a joy to read!
9/21/2019 c6 deadaccount3208080324809324
Mike is jealous now, which I think will only hurt his chances of getting back together with El.
Mike is jealous now, which I think will only hurt his chances of getting back together with El.
9/13/2019 c6 Stranger Things
Of course max did something wrong again, she is kinda annoying. Jeff is not at fault, just set up by max
Of course max did something wrong again, she is kinda annoying. Jeff is not at fault, just set up by max
9/13/2019 c6 tank03
My guess is that things are starting to take a turn...though which way I'm not yet sure. Jealousy can lead people to do stupid and crazy things, so I'm just a little bit concerned about how Mike will handle all of this.
My guess is that things are starting to take a turn...though which way I'm not yet sure. Jealousy can lead people to do stupid and crazy things, so I'm just a little bit concerned about how Mike will handle all of this.
9/2/2019 c5 tank03
It was nice to get El's perspective on the break up and her thoughts on what she and Mike had (will have). I've never been a fan of Max's meddling in other people's relationships in canon, in fact I've never been a fan of Max at all. I hope she doesn't screw things up too much.
Thanks for sharing, can't wait to read more.
It was nice to get El's perspective on the break up and her thoughts on what she and Mike had (will have). I've never been a fan of Max's meddling in other people's relationships in canon, in fact I've never been a fan of Max at all. I hope she doesn't screw things up too much.
Thanks for sharing, can't wait to read more.
9/2/2019 c5 Guest
I like Max’s idea to make Mike jealous. I think Jeff is the perfect choice to make that happen. Screw cricket ha ha. Can you write longer chapters please? I really enjoy this story but the updates are always super short
I like Max’s idea to make Mike jealous. I think Jeff is the perfect choice to make that happen. Screw cricket ha ha. Can you write longer chapters please? I really enjoy this story but the updates are always super short
9/1/2019 c5 Dead Account 2314287493274932
Max is chaotic but she does want them together at least! Always fun to see this updated.
Max is chaotic but she does want them together at least! Always fun to see this updated.
9/1/2019 c5 Stranger Things
This is a good start, I really want to see Mike and el back together tho
This is a good start, I really want to see Mike and el back together tho
8/24/2019 c4
Two questions is the entire party sharing a house? and why would hopper allow that for El?

Two questions is the entire party sharing a house? and why would hopper allow that for El?
8/23/2019 c4 Guest
Where’s the blind date for el? I thought max was gonna set her up with someone
Where’s the blind date for el? I thought max was gonna set her up with someone
8/23/2019 c4 deleteduser1098204830948203958
Agh, someone needs to bonk their heads together! This ambush idea sounds like it could be funny!
Agh, someone needs to bonk their heads together! This ambush idea sounds like it could be funny!
8/6/2019 c3 tank03
I'm enjoying the story so far and I hope they don't have to go through too much angst before they realize there is no one else for each other. Please keep up the great work- I'm eager to read more. Thanks for sharing!
P.S. Question- did you used to write stories for an old, now defunct, Harry/Hermione website called Portkey about a decade ago? I was an avid fan and your name seems awfully familiar.
I'm enjoying the story so far and I hope they don't have to go through too much angst before they realize there is no one else for each other. Please keep up the great work- I'm eager to read more. Thanks for sharing!
P.S. Question- did you used to write stories for an old, now defunct, Harry/Hermione website called Portkey about a decade ago? I was an avid fan and your name seems awfully familiar.