Just In
for Sealing My Own Fate

8/16/2020 c3 ivanacco1
But why, why would the mc do that kind of shit, i understand if he said danzo name, its not like its a secret in the village, the guy is part of the council, but seriously saying that root exist out loud? the amount of idiocy in this mc is incredible.
8/9/2020 c6 demonhunterlennard
This story, is the very defenition of angst. Why have you tagged the story's genre as 'adventure'?
There has been:
1% adventure
4% drama
35% hurt
and 60% angst
Please tag your story properly.
I hate stories which genre are mainly angst and hurt, so I feel like you have wasted a lot of my time.
So please tag your story properly.
8/8/2020 c4 arispuffer
are you perhaphs trying for a bi polar character? Because I couldnt really understand Sota.

Who should command a great deal of knowledge and fore sight, acting really stupid, easily manipulated?
8/8/2020 c3 arispuffer
This is a great story but why is this persom thought process and action clash so horribly? It was frusttstig but mow it annoying.
8/7/2020 c10 guest
urgh. danzo is quiet creepy even without doing anything, and the kabuto situation doesn't look too good either. sota seems to have not luch luck in life.
i'm feeling very sorry for itachi and hope that his relationship with sasuke will get better soon.
and while i know the uchiha coup is an important point in the storyline i always hope that it doesn't happen because itach and especially shisui are my favourites.
7/12/2020 c5 Eragon135790
shoudnt mc realize that danzo could have given mc the seal so that he could gain mcs trust? and isnt mc a bit too easily manipulated? otherwise good ff.
5/11/2020 c3 Aeroshadowclone
All I can ask is why? Why is this story like this? Constantly revealing info you shouldn’t. Not more curious of the uses of chakra. Not looking for scrolls or a library of sorts for sealing. It seems the POV is from an older person in a six year olds body but the actions are more of a teenager than anything.
4/17/2020 c5 firemaster101
I highly doubt Hizuzen would put a seal on a child with bad intentions but ill see were this goes.
2/7/2020 c7 1Shamson
This is awesome! This keeps me and the guys in my platoon entertained when we get stuck at the motorpool late!
12/28/2019 c6 kidray98624
love it hope to read more keep up the wonderful work
12/28/2019 c6 nagi92
I wonder who will be on his team
11/29/2019 c5 nagi92
Really interesting, I can't wait to read more!
11/4/2019 c5 Tsuki
Good chapters
Hope you update soon :)
11/1/2019 c5 4AstolfoBrHue
Danzou sendo herói e hiruzen botando selo nos outros kkkkkk
It's cool, but the perspective with "you" instead of "I" makes it a little difficult to read.
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