Just In
for Various Writing Prompts

3/22/2020 c6 31Not A Ghost3
Ah! I want this one to be continued!
3/22/2020 c5 Not A Ghost3
"And you're my favorite Christmas treat" hehehehe

Loved how you described the act as a symphony! Can't even tell that this is your first time writing something like this! I thought you did a great job!
3/22/2020 c4 Not A Ghost3
Ok, I realize now that Kevin is from your other story! Sorry, just put the pieces together!

I remember reading this back in october over on Tumblr! Hahahaha, still just as funny! That Spongebob part gets me everytime!
3/22/2020 c3 Not A Ghost3
Awwwwww! This one was so sweet! Raoul telling the other kid that Meg already had a boyfriend *wink* *wink* Awww!
3/22/2020 c2 Not A Ghost3
That took a sudden turn there in the middle (and who is Kevin?! haha) But this one was good!
3/22/2020 c1 Not A Ghost3
HA! I completely missed this story somehow! (Probably because I only ever check the 'book' section of POTO FFN!) But this was hilarious! On to the next one!
3/11/2020 c6 12ghostwritten2
This is beautiful! I had no idea she was in a dream till the end.
2/23/2020 c1 Guest
Harhar, this is brilliant
11/29/2019 c5 174HC247

It may have been a high of 29 here today, btu I had to pop a window open after reading the best possible way!

This was very nicely done fro your first M! I loved it all, but my favorite part was the line about Christine fitting herself into the curve of the piano. I love the picture that paints and I can easily see how that could cause Erik's temperature to rise a bit lol

Love, love, love this. Nice job, friend!
11/29/2019 c5 12ghostwritten2
This was wonderful. So sensual. I loved it.
11/29/2019 c5 82Starwatcher2018
Nice first effort! Combining the love-making with the music was a great idea.
11/4/2019 c4 12ghostwritten2
Wow, this was great! Perfect melding of POTO and Harry Potter. And Christine's and Erik's biggest fears were totally believable. Thank goodness for Raoul and Meg.
9/6/2019 c3 ghostwritten2
Love this background for Meg and Raoul. So sweet!
8/2/2019 c2 ghostwritten2
Scary and beautifully written. It really has the sense of a dream. I hate Kevin so much!
7/31/2019 c1 174HC247
I remember this from Tumblr and am so happy you've put it here now!

Your Erik and Christine are adorable dorks. I love the thought of their Modern selves playing Twister (and Erik losing).

We miss you on Tumblr and hope you'll decide to come back one day. Until then, looking forward to seeing more of your work here!
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