7/6/2022 c10
People got laid and things were good. Though I get hiding his hoard to be in character for a dragon why did he hide the mine and such? At the very least he could tell Momonga with full confidence?

People got laid and things were good. Though I get hiding his hoard to be in character for a dragon why did he hide the mine and such? At the very least he could tell Momonga with full confidence?
7/6/2022 c9 dreaddragonknight
I love your expansion on lore for this story and just how much the MC has changed things
I love your expansion on lore for this story and just how much the MC has changed things
7/5/2022 c8 dreaddragonknight
Interesting choice in the timeline to land the dragon, I was expecting the MC to only have his maidens and what he had on him if he would be separate from Ainz, and that the latter would arrive at the same time as per canon with the Tomb.
Interesting choice in the timeline to land the dragon, I was expecting the MC to only have his maidens and what he had on him if he would be separate from Ainz, and that the latter would arrive at the same time as per canon with the Tomb.
7/5/2022 c7 dreaddragonknight
I greatly enjoyed reading how the npcs felt about things, also the dark elf becoming into your MC is pretty believable based on the in story interactions and such.
I greatly enjoyed reading how the npcs felt about things, also the dark elf becoming into your MC is pretty believable based on the in story interactions and such.
7/4/2022 c6 dreaddragonknight
Great chapter and frankly your MC was already terrifying before he became unkillable and without limits on his growth, well done this is great
Great chapter and frankly your MC was already terrifying before he became unkillable and without limits on his growth, well done this is great
7/4/2022 c15
13Have a Little Feith
Don't listen to those thoughts in your head. This is a damn good story, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm looking forward to the next chapter, whenever it may be.

Don't listen to those thoughts in your head. This is a damn good story, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise. I'm looking forward to the next chapter, whenever it may be.
7/4/2022 c4
Glorious game abuse, well done. I especially loved all those spell echoes being used in that way

Glorious game abuse, well done. I especially loved all those spell echoes being used in that way
7/3/2022 c5
this is a good fic, but. I feel like you didn't put much info on what's happening IRL. he was a kid when the game first started, how is he getting the money to eat? where is he living that he can afford as a literal child?

this is a good fic, but. I feel like you didn't put much info on what's happening IRL. he was a kid when the game first started, how is he getting the money to eat? where is he living that he can afford as a literal child?
7/3/2022 c3
You crazy mother trucker I love what you are doing, and honestly I love the direction you choose for NPCs and a harem for your MC. Though I am curious was there anything that really sold the idea of making a fem!Archer npc to you or are you just a fan of it from the beginning ?

You crazy mother trucker I love what you are doing, and honestly I love the direction you choose for NPCs and a harem for your MC. Though I am curious was there anything that really sold the idea of making a fem!Archer npc to you or are you just a fan of it from the beginning ?
7/3/2022 c2 dreaddragonknight
This is a pretty good story so far that has lots of interesting elements that you refer too, as well as using limited meta knowledge to kickass all the better, nicely done
This is a pretty good story so far that has lots of interesting elements that you refer too, as well as using limited meta knowledge to kickass all the better, nicely done
6/30/2022 c15 justlovereadin
I freakin love this story glad to see it get updated i cant wait for more
I freakin love this story glad to see it get updated i cant wait for more