Just In
for Chaotic Good

2/4/2024 c15 TitanDragon
Please, Goddamn you, update this! I need this updated!
2/4/2024 c15 sakkra
Just revisited this story. It is still excellent. If you ever feel like it, I would appreciate a continuation.
1/5/2024 c15 AustinWormLover
More Please, I need tasty WORDS!
12/29/2023 c4 6OverWarlord
12/25/2023 c11 theeelderman
oh yay found it
12/25/2023 c15 Aren Gisly
TFTC! Waiting for more... F for the Fairy Tail one...
12/20/2023 c15 Zechory
Hey it's been awhile. Here's to hoping that you're still alive and that you can keep on writing. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
11/22/2023 c8 kharlsonn123
Ok i'm fine witg the self insert so far but if ainz is removed from the story then fuck this
11/8/2023 c15 OmegaUltima
Here's hoping that you might one day continue this
11/5/2023 c6 5Kknd2
I really love the NPC view segments, it builds them up and lets us see the view from the ground, so rare a privilege as that is.
11/5/2023 c15 3plebston323
Easily the most in-depth fan fic I've read, the plot, progression, and character interactions are far beyond what should be found in a fan fic. I applaud you for writing this and for sharing it with me.
10/23/2023 c15 The FanficHunter10
I lost count of how many times I reread this one
10/15/2023 c1 weyyyeee
this is mister one of the best introdıction ı ever seen
10/14/2023 c5 HellsMaji
Uh.. pretty sure he's going to come to regret making noa so clumsy and useless once she starts falling over her own feet and missing her heals, and ending up healing the enemy and giving constant friendly fire.
10/14/2023 c3 HellsMaji
He might come to regret that backstory he gave Archer, once zelretch and other fate characters start to fuck with him, I dunno. Then he might also regret not getting more of that power he passed up.
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