Just In
for The Perfect Wedding Gift

2/20/2022 c1 149rebecca-in-blue
I really enjoyed this story - such a nice domestic slice-of-life for Faramir and Eowyn. Faramir's nerves about finding her a gift, Aragorn's advice, Eowyn's new career as a horse breeder, etc., all fit them very well. Wonderful work.
8/13/2021 c1 5XYZArtemis
loved it!
8/30/2019 c1 LittleLorna
Glad to see they have each others backs in every way.
I was loving that many years later bit, but when Eowyn spoke of how blessed she is for the horses and children she has I was smiling like a fool.
But then when she spoke of her most precious jewel of a husband whilst giving him a kiss oof that got me in the feels.
8/10/2019 c1 10Erelil Awarthiel
Aww, what a cute story, and a sweet end. Excellent work!

- EA
8/7/2019 c1 37medcat
A plausible and charming tale :)
8/4/2019 c1 wotumba1
Nice what a wonderful gift
8/4/2019 c1 19CarawynO
A lovely little story of domestic happiness. I love the thought of Faramir being so concerned with finding just the right gift, and of Eowyn expressive of her gratitude even years later.
8/3/2019 c1 247Deandra
Lovely. I've seen many a story of Eowyn breeding horses, but this is the first where she has sought out the best in all the lands.
8/3/2019 c1 Daydreams.and.Butterflys
D'awww! I love it!
8/3/2019 c1 1Animekitty47
The flash forward was fun to see. Thanks for posting this cute lil fic!
8/3/2019 c1 tvfan1990
An Elven Horsesuch a wonderful gift for Eowyn!
It would have been even more amazing if we had seen her reaction to this certainly pleasant surprise ...
By the way, what was Aragorn giving Arwen as a wedding present? Did she enjoy it?
8/3/2019 c1 mycarnation
OH! So Cute and Sweet! Made me smile.
8/3/2019 c1 67Virtuella
Ah, I very much approve of Eowyn getting an Elven horse!
8/2/2019 c1 8Fastred of the North
A horse of the Elves is a wonderful gift for the Lady of Rohan, whose name means "Horse-Joy." Such a gift would do much to further strengthen the goodwill among the realms of Gondor, Rohan, and Elvendom.
8/2/2019 c1 13acacia59601
Aww, wonderful little story!
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