Just In
for Chance Encounters

5/18 c17 113MomofPhoenix
my older sister's name is Theodora, we call her Teddi. I also have an uncle named Theodore, he's just Uncle Ted.
5/18 c12 MomofPhoenix
Cuban esspreso is a favorit in the southeast US. We love it.
5/3 c1 lebkme
Wow.. loved it.
2/15 c54 Zella Nicholas
This was about the 4th time I have read it. I simply love it. I'm also loving your current story Fresh Start. I'm a Babe HEA and I just love it when Joe and Helen get their comeuppance
1/28 c1 Guest
General question - what's the use of the core team? Tank being second in command is relatable but the other two, Lester and Bobby, have lots of time to fool around and gossip.
1/25 c1 connollyt
i love the beginning of this story
1/9 c48 1Fiarillo
Rereading. Love the interplay. Strong Stephanie nomy life no relationshipmalarkey from Ranger. Mysterious intriguing sexy Def Fave
11/27/2023 c26 Guest
Some of your stories best highlight the Rangeman team and what they excel in. Ranger's Missing Piece comes to mind. Your stories are some of the best on this site
11/25/2023 c54 HMCM0122
Fantastic story! Thank to so much!
11/9/2023 c25 Fuzz79
The suspense is great. Even though I have read many times my heart always racing at end ofthis chapter. Excellent writing! Thank you
11/8/2023 c11 Fuzz79
So enjoy rereading this. Love grandma Mazur
11/4/2023 c31 Guest
Good riddance to Morelli and pinky.
Now the Plums need their comeuppance
11/4/2023 c28 Guest
What great coordination of Rangeman in hunting down Pinky and Benny
9/22/2023 c40 Guest
Why keep the Plum surname when her asshole parents threw her out
7/4/2023 c15 24Harmne
You made me look up what the heck a "squirrel grip" was... EWW! I'd never heard of that. American athletes wear protective cups, which I suppose prevents such grips. Maybe why I never heard of it? The mental picture of her grabbing Vinnie by his bits is good for a laugh, though!
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