Just In
for The Ancient Warrior

3/18/2023 c1 Tomahawk5763
More and do it tell the end of the war
7/24/2020 c1 Nicketje02
7/15/2020 c1 7Darth Destructis
Please update this
6/4/2020 c1 The Dancing Bears
For the love of Pete, man. Update
11/3/2019 c1 Djberneman
The suspense is killing me. Can’t wait for the next chapter.
10/31/2019 c1 narutouzumaki9718
pls update soon this is a great story so far
8/16/2019 c1 kevindcslg
La historia tiene potencial, espero que la sigas.
8/13/2019 c1 Shifter
Interesting story continue as soon as possible please
8/13/2019 c1 8CCSakuraforever
Esta muy bueno la historia se ve interesante mas que hara naruto en ese nuevo mundo mas como ayudara al avatar para terminar la guerra contra la nación del fuego
8/13/2019 c1 UchihaKojiro
naruto x Katara plis
8/13/2019 c1 Darth revan1998
Can't wait for the next update
8/13/2019 c1 Beastyd22
Awesome first chapter man keep up the awesome work and keep updating thanks. Ps is there going to be a pairing for naruto? Please let me know thanks.

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