Just In
for The Fake Boyfriend Fallacy

11/16/2024 c1 611Ghostwriter
Aww Sheldon to the rescue. Well done.
6/16/2020 c1 23HalfBlackWolfDemon
Omg I want mooooore 3

12/13/2019 c1 8WENN9366
Oooh! I love all your Shenny stories, and I already know I'll love this one, too! ;)
10/25/2019 c1 locardxchange
I like where this is going and happy to see people still writing about the show that I love so much.
9/3/2019 c1 2CarissaWinchester
Aww so cute
9/2/2019 c1 7jh831
Good start, cant wait to see where you take this
9/2/2019 c1 Aussie SciFi Tragic
A great start!
8/29/2019 c1 Bill
I love all your stories.. does this mean your back? Been a long time since I saw anything new from you.
8/25/2019 c1 Purplejaybird
Such a cute story please tell me you would continue this
8/25/2019 c1 together33x3
Loved it!
8/25/2019 c1 7Lee kadivar
oh man... I love it! your stories are always epic. I can't wait for the next chapter.
8/24/2019 c1 16Tuesday Pajamas
I love the why you write, it's so readable. We all know Sheldon would be a hot kisser. ;)
8/24/2019 c1 rit57
A nice little story.
8/24/2019 c1 Shennyhater666
In rereading my review, I could see where it could be perceived as reflecting badly on the story itself. I intended it only to reflect my opinion as how I felt Penny was portrayed.

The truth is that the chapter was well written and I have found that to be true of other stories by this writer. The fact that Shenny is not my ship of choice does not prevent me from recognizing something that is well done.
8/24/2019 c1 13Shennyhater666
Wow, Beverly was right. Her self worth is decided by how others see her. How insecure and shallow can you get? If you're single, you're a loser.
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