9/13/2019 c12
I really hope you write a sequel. This was a great story & I would love to see what happens with Ben & Dora's relationship.

I really hope you write a sequel. This was a great story & I would love to see what happens with Ben & Dora's relationship.
9/8/2019 c11 Rosemoor
It's a good thing Adley had a change of heart. Glad all the Cartwrights survived. I still can not see Ben and Dora as a couple.
It's a good thing Adley had a change of heart. Glad all the Cartwrights survived. I still can not see Ben and Dora as a couple.
9/7/2019 c11 CocoRocks
Thankfully Ben has his boys back. However, the idea of him and Dora having a future together is unlikely.
Thankfully Ben has his boys back. However, the idea of him and Dora having a future together is unlikely.
9/7/2019 c11 Elise Deschat
Feel sorry for Adley's family... but at least he suffered a noble ending, instead of compromising his soul... Ben has his sons back, and Dora can now find her own son and be a part of his life, but unfortunately, not Ben's...
Adley needs to be laid to rest and John's family need to find some peace...
Feel sorry for Adley's family... but at least he suffered a noble ending, instead of compromising his soul... Ben has his sons back, and Dora can now find her own son and be a part of his life, but unfortunately, not Ben's...
Adley needs to be laid to rest and John's family need to find some peace...
9/4/2019 c8 Hecate7171
Awwwwwwwwwwwww!Oh My Gwashh!Little Joe is sooooooo ADORABLE!I just want to PINCH THOSE CHEEKS!
Awwwwwwwwwwwww!Oh My Gwashh!Little Joe is sooooooo ADORABLE!I just want to PINCH THOSE CHEEKS!
9/4/2019 c1 Elphaba
I hope you do more of the 'Teasing Baby Brother' those!
I hope you do more of the 'Teasing Baby Brother' those!
9/6/2019 c10 Elise Deschat
This is not good...poor boys, poor Ben... well makes the "posse's" job easier, both boys are together, problem is both are together... Drummond can threaten one and still kill one, while holding the other for ransom...
Wicked cliffie… thanks for the new chapter, at least we know Joe is alive
This is not good...poor boys, poor Ben... well makes the "posse's" job easier, both boys are together, problem is both are together... Drummond can threaten one and still kill one, while holding the other for ransom...
Wicked cliffie… thanks for the new chapter, at least we know Joe is alive
9/5/2019 c9 Elise Deschat
Aren't there three of them? Thinking the third, went to pick up his brothers from jail...
Now will Burnell/Drummond have two of Ben's sons?
A what a tangled web is being woven... good chapter, but evil... still hanging in the wind about Joe
Aren't there three of them? Thinking the third, went to pick up his brothers from jail...
Now will Burnell/Drummond have two of Ben's sons?
A what a tangled web is being woven... good chapter, but evil... still hanging in the wind about Joe