Just In
for Can you Hear the Drums?

9/19/2019 c2 10ultima-owner
this fun for us, not so much for the the players
9/18/2019 c2 1Gothic-Angel342
This is amazing
9/18/2019 c2 23Altiria-Aty
ahhhh man! this is so good! and Aizawa- my HEART my goood!
9/18/2019 c1 ShapeShifter8745
But... Izuku didn't get a bad roll, why was he taken? If anything they should have been attacked by poisonous plants... Though I suppose that with Aizawa there it would be logical that he would stop the game after being attack by poisonous plants. Still though I'm excited to see where this goes!
9/18/2019 c2 1hellfire45
Good chapter and I can’t wait to see what happens next and damn this actually looks like it would be terrifying
9/18/2019 c2 1TheBlackCatSwordsman
This story is even better than I expected from the first chapter. So it's going to be a combination of My Hero Academia, Jumanji, and The Gamer(in at least some fashion)? Does this also mean that Izuku will end up with The Game as a quirk, does he have a quirk from before Jumanji, will he still end up with OfA, or will this be one of the stories with Izuku staying quirkless?
9/18/2019 c2 Robby the Cyber Warrior
Ok, Jumanji A.U.s may be a new favorite of mine now
9/18/2019 c2 a7152966
I barely breathed as I read this, holy shit it's going to suck me in.
OMGOMGOMG, this is going to be so stressful to read.
I can't wait.
thank you
9/18/2019 c2 59marxbb
Wonderful chapter! 3 3 3
9/16/2019 c1 3Phygmalion
Promising! Looking forward to seeing what comes next.
9/14/2019 c1
I really really want to read this omg ginfrjmb3
9/10/2019 c1 68May Eve
I have recently discovered the same intense weakness, so I think you'll understand exactly how excited I was to see this story go up. THANK YOU IT'S GREAT
9/10/2019 c1 1andohmygodcholesterol
holy shit i didnt knowni needed this until now
9/9/2019 c1 beingLazy
Dum dum dum dum Dum dum dum dum...
9/9/2019 c1 Lemiere
omg! Please continue this and not just abandon it! I love the premise and am really curious to how it will turn out.
Poor Izuku is going to be even more socially awkward when he comes out. Also, suggestion, although I know Katsuki won't be traumatized to a great extent, can he have hallucinations of Izuku in which he fades away like this each time.
Hope u don't get writers block! Keep them bunnies healthy!
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